Purpose You can use this report to compare Customizing entries that are storedin E-Recruiting for the categories Work Experience> and Education> of the candidate profile with the Customizing entries thatare stored in Talent Management in Human Resources (HR) for the correspo nding categories of the talent profile. You can also synchronize theCustomizing entries, meaning that you can transfer Customizing entriesfrom E-Recruiting to HR. The report edits Customizing entries for the following infotypes: Candidate Profile>
- Work Experience> (5103)
- Education>> (5104)
Talent Profile>
- External Work Experience> (7403)
- Education> (7404)
The Customizing entries are stored in the following tables: Work Experience> Subcategory,,Table in E-Recruiting,,Table in HR Industries,,T77RCF_INDU,,T77TMC_INDU ,,T77RCF_INDU_T,,T77TMC_INDUT Functional Areas,,T77RCF_FUNC ,,T77TMC_FUNC ,,T77RCF_FUNC_T,,T77TMC_FUNCT Hierarchy Levels,,T77RCF_HIER,,T77TMC_HIER ,,T77RCF_HIER_T,,T77TMC_HIERT Work Contract Types,,T77RCF_CONTTY,,T77TMC_CONTTY ,,T77RCF_CONTTY_T,,T77TMC_CONTTYT Education> Subcategory,,Table in E-Recruiting,,Table in HR Education Types,,T77RCF_EDUTYP,,T77TMC_EDUTYP ,,T77RCF_EDUTYP_T,,T77TMC_EDUTYP_T Broad Fields of Education,,T77RCF_EDUFLD,,T77TMC_EDUFLD ,,T77RCF_EDUFLD_T,,T77TMC_EDUFLD_T Degree Levels,,T77RCF_DEGREE,,T77TMC_DEGREE ,,T77RCF_DEGREE_T,,T77TMC_DEGREE_T Since fields from the tables T005 (Countries)> and T005S ( Taxes: Region (Province) Key>) are also used for the categories Work Experience> and Education> of the candidate profile and thetalent profile, the report also checks whether the Customizing entriesstored in these tables are identical in E-Recruiting and HR. Note You cannot> use this report to synchronize> the Customizingentries in the tables T005 and T005S. Instead, in Customizing for SAP NetWeaver>, you choose General Settings> -> SetCountries>, and perform the Customizing activities SpecifyCountries in mySAP Systems (CRM, SRM, SCM,...)> and Insert Regions >. In these Customizing activities, you use the standard clientsynchronization functions.Integration First, run this report to synchronize the Customizing entries> forthe candidate profile and the talent profile. You can then use thereport Synchronization of Talent Profile with Candidate Profile>(RPTMC_TP_SYNC_EDU_WE_RCF) to synchronize the data> that wasentered in the candidate profile and the talent profile for thecategories Work Experience> and Education>.Prerequisites If you implement E-Recruiting and HR in two separate systems, an RFCdestination must exist from the HR system to the E-Recruiting system. Selection Specify the following on the selection screen:
- Whether you want to perform the Customizing synchronization for the
profile category Work Experience> or Education>. If you want to perform synchronization for both profile categories, runthe report twice.
- Which RFC destination the report is to use for synchronization.
If you implement E-Recruiting and HR integrated in one system, leave theRFC destination blank, or enter NONE>.
- In which language or languages the report is to synchronize the
Customizing entries. For example, if you use more languages in E-Recruiting than in HR, youcan restrict the synchronization to the languages used in HR. Unless you specify otherwise, the system compares all languages in whichCustomizing entries exist. Note> Before you can run the report Synchronization of Talent Profile withCandidate Profile> (RPTMC_TP_SYNC_EDU_WE_RCF), you must specify alanguage in which the Customizing entries in E-Recruiting and in HR mustbe identical. You can use this report beforehand to ensure that theCustomizing entries in this language are identical. To do so, enter therequired language in this field.Output You first get an overview list that displays the synchronization statusfor each subcategory (that is, for each Customizing table and relatedtext table) and language. In the header area, the system displays the RFC destination and theprofile category that you have specified on the selection screen. If youhave restricted the languages on the selection screen, the header areaadditionally displays whether entries also exist in other languages inthe candidate profile and/or in the talent profile. In a detail view, the synchronization status is also displayed at thelevel of the individual table entries with IDs and texts. You have thefollowing options for displaying the detail view:
- Choose the status symbol for the required row.
- Select one or more rows and choose Details>.
Activities To transfer Customizing entries from E-Recruiting to HR, select therequired entries in the overview list and choose Import>. You canalso select all entries. The report ignores all entries that areidentical in both systems and only transfers the deviating entries. If you are in a client with a transport connection, you need to thenspecify the transport request to which the report should write thechanges. After the import, the report displays an application log. The log stateshow many entries per table and language were inserted, changed, ordeleted. Note Note that inconsistent entries may occur in the text tables, if thefollowing conditions apply:
- You do not> import the Customizing entries from E-Recruiting for
all languages that exist in HR.
- More Customizing entries exist in HR than in E-Recruiting.
This leads to inconsistent entries for the languages that were not > imported. These inconsistent entries are not considered when thetable entries are compared, and are not displayed in the detail views.However, we recommend that you delete these entries. To do so, proceedas follows: RESET N1 In the overview list, choose the Clean Up> pushbutton. A dialog box with the list of inconsistent entries appears. In the dialog box, choose the Delete Inconsistent Texts>pushbutton. Example E-Recruiting contains the following degree levels: Table T77RCF_DEGREE> 01 02 03 Table T77RCF_DEGREE_T> D,,01,,Einfacher Schulabschluss D,,02,,Höherer Schulabschluss D,,03,,Abitur/Fachabitur E,,01,,Lower Leaving Certificate E,,02,,Upper Leaving Certificate E,,03,,Leaving Cert./Vocational LC HR contains the following degree levels before synchronization: Table T77TMC_DEGREE> 01 02 03 04 Table T77TMC_DEGREE_T> D,,01,,Einfacher Schulabschluss D,,02,,Höherer Schulabschluss D,,03,,Abitur/Fachabitur D,,04,,Sonstiger Abschluss E,,01,,Lower Leaving Certificate E,,02,,Upper Leaving Certificate E,,03,,Leaving Cert./Vocational LC E,,04,,Other Degree/Certificate After you have performed synchronization for language D, the followingentries exist in HR: Table T77TMC_DEGREE> 01 02 03 Table T77TMC_DEGREE_T> D,,01,,Einfacher Schulabschluss D,,02,,Höherer Schulabschluss D,,03,,Abitur/Fachabitur E,,01,,Lower Leaving Certificate E,,02,,Upper Leaving Certificate E,,03,,Leaving Cert./Vocational LC E,,04,,Other Degree/Certificate The entry E 04 Other Degree/Certificate> in the text tableT77TMC_DEGREE_T has no corresponding entry in the entity tableT77TMC_DEGREE. Therefore we recommend that you always performsynchronization for all> languages available in the HR system.Otherwise we recommend that you clean up the inconsistent entries aftersynchronization.