Purpose You can use this report to display inconsistent successor and talentassignments that exist in your system. This applies to the followingtypes of assignments:
- Successor assignment to a position
- Talent assignment to a talent group
- Indication of a talent as potentially suitable for the jobs in a job
family The system delimits these relationships or deletes them if a personnelaction results in one of the following changes for the employee inquestion:
- An HR Administrator specifies an employee assigned to a position as a
successor as the new holder of this position.
- An HR Administrator changes an employee's employment status from
Active> (3) to Left Company> (0), Inactive> (1), orPensioner> (2). Inconsistent assignments may have occurred before the functions forautomatically delimiting successor and talent assignments wereavailable. Therefore, run the report once to clean up the existingassignments. You then no longer require the report since the systemautomatically delimits the assignments. For more information, see SAP Library for SAP ERP and choose SAP ERPCentral Component> -> Human Resources> -> Talent Management > -> Talent Management and Talent Development> ->Organizational Basics of Talent Management> -> AutomaticValidity Limitation for Successor and Talent Assignments>.Features The report proceeds as follows: It determines all existing records for the Relationships> (1001)infotype with the following subtypes: B740: Position (object type S) has successor (object type CP) B743: Talent group (object type TB) contains talent (object type CP) B744: Job family (object type JF) is potential of talent (object typeCP) It checks whether the employment status of one of the central person#spersonnel assignments was changed from Active> (3) to a differentemployment status in the relationship period of the determinedrelationships. It is defined in Customizing for Talent Management and TalentDevelopment which changes to the employment status the report checks.For more information, see Basic Settings> -> AutomaticValidity Limitation for Successor and Talent Assignments> ->Specify Triggering Status Change for Delimitation/Deletion ofAssignments>. The report also performs the following checks: If the central person has more than one personnel assignment, the reportchecks whether the employment status has been changed for all>personnel assignments. The report lists the infotype records as to bedelimited or deleted only if there are no longer any active personnelassignments at a specific point in the relationship period. For the Is Successor Of/Has Successor> (740) relationship, thereport checks whether the central person, or a personnel assignment(object type P), user (object type US), or business partner (object typeBP) assigned to the central person is the holder of the position inquestion in the relationship period. The report lists all records of the Relationships> infotype thatwere determined to be delimited or deleted.Selection The report does not have a selection screen. Output The system displays an overview list of all assignments that are to bedelimited and deleted. For more information about which logic the system uses to decide whetherto delimit or delete the infotype records, see SAP Library for SAP ERPand choose SAP ERP Central Component> -> Human Resources> ->Talent Management> -> Talent Management and Talent Development > -> Organizational Basics of Talent Management> ->Automatic Validity Limitation for Successor and Talent Assignments > -> Decision on Delimitation or Deletion of Successor and TalentAssignments>.Activities
- To delimit or delete all inconsistent assignments in the database
displayed in the overview list, choose Clean Up Inconsistencies>.
- The report records all database changes in a log.
The Talent Management Specialist can display the log for the employeesin his or her area of responsibility in his or her launchpad.
- If messages occur when the database is changed, the report displays them
after the changes have been completed.