Note for translators: Only the "Note" before the "Prerequisites" section is new in this SP (December 1, 2004); the rest of the text is unchangedUse This report enables you to transfer employees' remaining leaveentitlements from the Leave Entitlement> infotype (0005) toabsence quotas in the Absence Quotas> infotype. You enter in table T559J> (Convert Leave Types to Quota Types)which leave types you want to be transferred to which absence quotatypes, while taking account of the corresponding employee subgroup andpersonnel subarea groupings. You use view V_T559J> to maintain table T559J>. Procedure
- The report first selects all leave records of the Leave Entitlement
> infotype (0005) that, on the key date for selection>>,are available for deduction, have leave remaining (a positive value),and have an entry in table T559J. (Note: Leave remainder = Entitlement - (All requested leave plusCompensation). All absences recorded in the system count, regardless ofwhere they lie in relation to the key date for selection>. The SAP System creates a batch input session in a production run of thereport. The batch input session generates the following infotype records: For each selected leave record from the Leave Entitlement>infotype (0005) it creates a record for the Leave EntitlementCompensation> infotype (0083). This causes the remaining leave to becompletely deducted from the Leave Entitlement> infotype (0005).The compensation record in infotype 0083 is used only to deduct theremaining leave entirely; the compensation is never remunerated inPayroll as a consequence. If a leave type is converted to an absence quota type that is notgenerated by time evaluation, the system creates a record of the Absence Quotas> infotype (2006). The absence quota record's validity and deduction intervals aredetermined by the entries in the selection screen (Transfer frominfotype 0005> or Recalculate intervals>). The remaining leavedetermined is transferred to the new quota record as an entitlement andas a deductible remainder. If a leave type is coverted to an absence quota type that is generatedby time evaluation, the system creates a record of the QuotaCorrections> infotype (2013). The quota correction's numbercorresponds to the amount of remaining leave determined from theoriginal leave record. Time evaluation creates a record of theAbsence Quotas> infotype (2006) from the quota correction. Note: When the system creates the absence quota record, it bases theentitlement on the remaining portion of leave record, and not theentitlement of the original leave record.
- You can first use a test run of the report to display an overview of
transferable leave records and the resulting quota records. Note: Relevant for the country versions for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, andthe Netherlands: See also the documentation for theCountry-specific leave> field.Prerequisites For the remaining leave to be transferred correctly from the LeaveEntitlement> infotype (0005) to the Absence Quotas> infotype(2006) you must make the following Customizing settings:
- Create new> absence types that are used by the report to record
leave after the transfer and that deduct from quotas. Delimitation and acorresponding new key assignment of the existing absence types, that is,deduction from infotype 2006 as of the key date, can lead to problems.These are described below under "Notes."
- You must make the following Customizing settings for the new absence
types: In the Define Absence Types> step in Time Data Recording andAdministration, define the new absence types for recording leave. Makethe valid from date of the absence type equal to or earlier than thededuction from date of the quota from which the absence type will deductafter the transfer. This ensures that after the conversion you canrecord new absences for the entire deduction interval of the (newly)generated quota (regardless of the key date for transfer that you havechosen). Make sure that the new deduction and counting rules for the absencetypes function in the same way as before the conversion: The quotas mustbe deducted in the same way as the Leave Entitlement> infotype(0005) was previously, and absence valuation in Payroll must function asit did previously. You define the rules in the Define Counting Rules > step under Absence Counting> in Customizing for Time DataRecording and Administration or under Absences> in Customizing forPayroll. In the Assign Counting Rules to Absence Types> step, assign apredefined counting rule to each absence type, and select the Quotadeduction field. If you use information from the Leave Entitlement> infotype (0005)or query the previous absence types in schemas and personnel calculationrules for time evaluation and payroll, you must change the relevantsections.
- You must also make the following Customizing settings for the absence
quotas to be used to receive the remaining leave: In the Define Absence Quota Types> step in Customizing for TimeData Recording and Administration, set up the quotas to which you wantto transfer employees' remaining entitlements. The detail view of the absence quota types contains a field thatdisplays whether the quota type will accept remaining entitlements;select this field. In the Permit Generation of Quotas in Time Evaluation> step inCustomizing for Time Data Recording and Administration, specify whethereach quota you have set up is generated through time evaluation ( Increase> option) or not (No generation> option). Points to note: Quota types used for the transfer of remaining entitlements must not begenerated in time evaluation with the Replace> option. In the Set Validity and Deduction Periods> step in Customizing forTime Data Recording and Administration, set the validity and deductionperiods for your quotas. You are recommended to make the quotas'validity and deduction periods the same as the leave entitlements'intervals. In the Generation Rules for Absence Quotas> section of Customizingfor Time Data Recording and Administration, create generation rules forquotas that are generated automatically. Maintain table T559J using view V_T559J. Once these prerequisites have been met and the report has transferredthe remaining leave, the system delivers the following result:
- The remaining leave in the Leave Entitlement> infotype (0005) has
been deducted and transferred as entitlement to the Absence Quotas > infotype (2006). New leave records are entered using a new absencetype and are deducted from the quota within the deduction interval,regardless of the key date for the transfer. This means that you canrecord leave before the key date, providing the quota is deductible atthis time.
- The old absences after the key date that deducted from infotype 0005
remain unaffected.Notes: You are strongly recommended to use the New Absence Types> reportfor recording leave after the remaining leave has been transferred. The following problems may occur if you continue to use the same absencetypes:
- If absence records for future dates have been recorded before the
key date for the transfer>, the absences are still deducted from theLeave Entitlement> infotype (0005). After the remaining leave hasbeen transferred to absence quotas, the absences are deducted fromquotas (as of the key date). This causes data inconsistency for theabsences recorded for future dates.
- After the transfer, leave can no longer be recorded for dates before the
key date, since the remaining leave has been completely deducted frominfotype 0005 (time-related delimitation of the absence type). In such acase, the only way of correcting the remaining leave so that the leaverecord can be recorded before the key date. is to delete thecorresponding infotype records (0083, 2006, and possibly 2013) manually.This scenario occurs when the key date has been chosen too far in thefuture. If you still want to use the same> absence types for recordingleave as you did before the conversion, you must ensure the following:
- You must not record absences that lie after the key date for the
transfer>. Absence records that start before the key date and endafter the key date must be split. You can split them as follows: Lock all absences that lie after the key date. This increases theremaining leave in infotype 0005 again. Run report RPTLEACONV. Then change the Customizing settings for the absence types: You must usedelimit the absences to ensure that after the conversion they deductfrom quotas (and not from infotype 0005). Make the required changes inthe Assign Counting Rules to Absence Types> step under AbsenceCounting in Customizing for Time Data Recording and Administration. Unlock the absences. This triggers a revaluation of the absence recordsand deduction from the quota. If an absence had been accounted already,the recalculation that was triggered could cause retroactive accountingdifferences in payroll. This is due to the fact that quotas are managedusing five decimal places, and records of infotype 0005 with only twodecimal places.
- For new deduction and counting rules, schemas and personnel calculation
rules, the procedure is the same as that described above.Features Selection
- You can restrict the leave records selected by specifying in the
Further Restrictions> section a personnel subarea grouping forleave types> or a leave type>. The system then only considersleave records that have the specified grouping and leave type.
- You can enter a key date for selection>> under Relevant
leave records> to specify the leave records you want to have selected.The report selects only leave records of the Leave Entitlement>infotype (0005) that, on the key date, can still be deducted, have leaveremaining (a positive value), and have an entry in table T559J (ConvertLeave Types to Quota Types). The key date for selection> does not affect the time at which theremaining leave is actually transferred from the Leave Entitlement > infotype (0005) to quotas; it is transferred on the day on which thebatch input session created by the report is processed.
- Under Validity and deduction intervals>, you can choose whether
you want the intervals from infotype 0005 to be adopted or recalculated.If the intervals are recalculated, the new ones are determined from theCustomizing settings (Determine Validity and Deduction Periods>).according to the key date for recalculation >. You should note the following when choosing a key date: If you want the quotas to be valid in the same leave year or in the sameperiod as the leave records of infotype 0005, the key date should be inthis same leave year or period. If you want the quotas to be valid in the next leave year or nextperiod, choose a key date in that leave year or period. In this case, you should process the batch input session as closely aspossible to the valid-from date of the generated quota, since theremaining leave in infotype 0005 is reduced to zero after the transfer,but the new quotas are not valid, and cannot be deducted, until the nextleave year or period.Output You can either perform a test run of the report, or generate a batchinput session in a live run. When you process the batch input session,the remaining leave is transferred from infotype 0005 to infotype 2006.Note that batch input session reflects the system status at the time atwhich it was created and that this status must not change before thesession is processed. This means that you must ensure that the no newleave records are entered and no leave is canceled for the relevantpersonnel numbers in the time between the generation and the processingof the batch input session. You are therefore recommended to process thesession as soon as possible after creating it. When you run the report online, the system outputs a detailed list ofthe records able to be converted, a list of any errors that occurred,and a set of statistics. Activities Run batch input sessions> To run batch input sessions you have generated, choose> System ->Services-> Batch input -> Edit>.Examples You have been using the Leave Entitlement> infotype (0005) toadministrate your employees' leave entitlements, and want to use theAbsence Quotas> infotype (2006) to manage absence entitlements infuture. The leave records of the Leave Entitlement> infotype(0005) are valid for the year 2000 (from January 1, 2000 throughDecember 31, 2000). You want to use this report to convert the recordsto absence quota records. You want the new quota records to have thesame validity as the leave records, the year 2000. You run the report onOctober 1, 2000. You adopt the default date for the key date> (=the system date), since the date lies in the current leave year. Thequota records generated by the report are valid for 2000, as were theoriginal leave records. Note that in this case, the creation of the quota records for 2000triggers a recalculation to the start of the year for the relevantemployees. This means that if you run the report at the end of 2000, thesystem performs retroactive accounting for payroll and a recalculationfor time evaluation over an entire year!
- You want the new quota records to be valid for the next leave year
(2001). When you run the report online, you choose Recalculate intervals>under Validity and deduction intervals>. In the Key date forrecalculation> field, you enter a day in the next leave year, forexample, January 1, 2001. Any quotas generated will be valid for theyear 2001. Note that you should run the batch input session as closely as possibleto the valid from date (in this example, January 1, 2001) of the newquota, since the remaining leave cannot be deducted after the transfer,but the quota is not valid and cannot be deducted until January 1, 2001.
- The employee has 7 days of remaining leave.
You run the report on October 1, 2000, with the option Transferintervals from infotype 0005>, that is, the quota generated is alsovalid for the year 2001. When the batch input session is processed, aquota record of seven days is generated for the employee. Before thetransfer, the employee had already requested leave for January 3, 2001(Absence Quotas infotype(2001)). An administrator cancels this absenceafter the transfer of remaining leave. This means that the remainingleave in infotype 0005, which had been reduced to zero, is increased byone day. In such a case, you have to run the report again for this employee. Thequota record (infotype 2006) or a quota correction (infotype 2013).