Graphical Overview of Attendances/Absences Use The report creates a planning board that displays employees' recordedattendances and absences in graphical format. The graphic interfacesupports you in planning leave, for example, or in checking personnelcapacities for a group of employees. The evaluation is run for eachindividual employee. You can also run an evaluation for locked records. Functions
- You can run an evaluation based on individual attendance and absence
types to plan leave, for example.
- The graphic displays the attendances and absences in colored bars
(attendances: yellow; absences: red). If locked records were evaluated,the related attendances and absences are displayed in different colors(locked attendances: blue, locked absences: green). You can also show atext that specifies the attendance or absence type in the colored bars.
- The evaluation can be displayed using different time periods, such as
daily or weekly. You can adjust the time period interactively in thegraphic.
- After the evaluation, you can change the layout of the graphic, for
example the color assignment or the grid lines.
- You can branch directly to the infotypes displayed or to the
Display >time data> function from the graphic. This enablesyou to display other infotype records, for example, or to view anemployee's work schedule.
- After you have viewed the graphic, you can send it by e-mail.
Activity Set attendances/absences to be evaluated>
- If you want to evaluate all attendance and absence types, leave the
Attendance types> and Absence types> fields blank.
- If you want to restrict the attendance and absence types, enter the
attendance and absence types in the fields on the selection screen. Ifyou want to evaluate all absences only, leave the Absence types>field blank, and use the Multiple selection> function to excludeall attendances. Change the graphic settings>
- Degree of time detail
You can set the time period displayed in the graphic by entering avalue in the Time unit> field in the report selection screen. Youcan choose a daily, weekly, or annual display, for example. You canalso change the time period interactively in the graphic using theTime unit> menu option.
- Layout
You can choose the Options> menu option to change the layout ofthe graphic in the following ways: Make the graphic easier to read (vertical and horizontal grid lines,division of gridlines, time line, print mode) Display attendance/absence type (time block text) Change the color display (color assignment) Obtain detailed information on attendances/absences RESET N1 In the graphic, click on the attendance/absence on which you want moreinformation. The relevant infotype record appears. To return to the attendance/absence overview, exit the infotype record. Click with the cursor on the graphic window. RESET N1 Obtain information on an employee's time data RESET N1 In the graphic, click on the employee on whom you want moreinformation. The Display time data> function appears. You can branch to othertime infotypes. To return to the attendance/absence overview, exit infotype processing. Click with the cursor on the graphic window. RESET N1 Perform mail function RESET N1 Choose Back> to exit the graphic. Choose Send via SAPoffice>. Enter a user name as recipient. Choose Document -> Send>. RESET N1Example You want to display an overview of leave for the employees of aparticular organizational unit for the current month. Procedure RESET N1 Go to the selection screen of report RPTLEA40. Choose Current month> as the time period. Choose Further selections>, and flag the Organizational unit > field to add it to the selection screen. Enter the requiredorganizational unit. Under Additional data>, enter all absence types related to leavein the Absence types> field. In the Absence types> field, choose Multiple selection>,and exclude all attendance types. Choose Execute>. RESET N1