SAP Program RPTGENE0 - Personal Calendar Generation (E)

This report is used to generate a country-specific personal calendar foreach employee. Each event entered in the system through the absencesinfotype is subdivided into different valuation intervals that are usedto process temporary incapacity in the payroll.
The report generates the Spanish personal calendar which is stored incluster PC on database PCL1.
The report does not change the international personal calendar.

1548442SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-2
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1452129RPTGENE0: Personal Calendar repeats absentism days
1254571CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas Version 2
1317869ES28.8: RPTGENE0 taking into account days instead of months
889180HR SP ES26 - Cambio 32
769572HR SP ES25 - Cambio 07
746979HR SP ES25 - Contenido - Content Description
831447HR SP ES25 - Cambio 41
808596HR SP ES25 - Cambio 38