Description This report shows absence information according to the requirements"Retningslinjer for føring av statistikk over sykefravær og fravær vedbarns sykdom". The absence information is generated in every quarter,distiguished between male and female. It can be chosen to report up tothe selected quarter so that there is a summary to a yearly statistic. Absences caused by illness are splitted according to the length of theabsence. The number of cases and the total length of absences arerecorded for every category. Precondition The absences are read from Infotyp 'Absences' (2001). The plannedworkdays are generated from Infotype 'Planned Working Time' (0007). Theabsence category is read from the Norwegian absence classificationtable (you can find this in IMG under step 'Classify absence types'). Output The output list is created according to the schema proposed by"Rikstrygdeverket" and printed to a predefined SmartForms layout set. Further_hints If the proposed form printout does not fit to your needs you may createan own SmartForms layout set to be used with this report. For according interface information please refer to the deliveredsample form HRNO_FRAVAERSRAPPORT. |