Description You supply Human Resources (HR) with absence and attendance data anddata on employee remuneration and substitutions by transferring datarecords from the time sheet or an external time recording system. Thetransferred data is then available for further processing inTime Management and Payroll.You transfer the data records using the transfer report RPTEXTPT. Report RPTEXTPT transfers data from the interface tables PTEX2000,PTEX2010, PTEX2003GEN, and PTEX2003SPEC to the corresponding infotypes:Attendances/Absences> (2001/2002), Employee Remuneration Info > (2010), and Substitutions> (2003). To ensure that HR is always supplied with current time data, schedulethe transfer report to run daily.Integration If you enter data records with an external application, the data isconverted using "Insert BAPIs." The "Insert BAPIs" belong to thebusiness objects PTManagerExtAttAbs, PTMgrExtRemunSpec, andPTMgrExtWoSched. The BAPIs receive data with a predefined externalformat and convert the fields into the SAP internal format of structurePTEX2000, PTEX2010, or PTEX2003GEN/PTEX2003SPEC. In addition to the documentation, the fields PTEX20xx-UNAME1, DATUM1,UZEIT1, and PGMID1 are filled with the user name, date, time, andreport. The PTEX20xx-STATU2> andPTEX20xx-STATU3> status fields are initialized.These status fields transfer the data record to the infotype. Note: If you enter your times with seconds, please note that use of seconds isnot supported throughout the whole of Time Management. While you can usethis report in direct> mode to transfer seconds, the informationis lost when processing time data in the Maintain Time Data>function (transaction PA61) or the Time Manager's Workplace>. If you use the RPTX2010 upload report, you should schedule thetransfer report in line with the upload report. The same applies if you use BAPIs for the upload.Features You can start the report in four different modes. The mode determineshow the data is transferred:
- Background
This is the standard mode if you schedule the report as a backgroundjob. The report is run immediately; the data is posted usingtransaction PA61.
- Foreground
The report runs immediately and all screens are displayed. Choose thismode together with the Repeat transfer> option, for example, iferrors occurred during the first transfer.
- Error
If any data records could not be transferred, choose this mode togetherwith the Repeat transfer> option. The report is run immediatelyand displays the records that were not transferred.
- Direct
If you choose this mode, the system writes the records for postingdirectly to the corresponding infotypes. In contrast to the othermodes, the data is not posted using transaction PA61 but using thefunction module HR_BLP_MAINTAIN_TIMEDATA. The data is posted to the infotypes significantly quicker using thismode. You cannot choose this mode together with the Transfer again>option.Selection There are various options for selecting transfer data: Initial transfer Using this option, you can select the data by personnel number anddate. Only data that has not been transferred before is taken intoaccount. Repeat transfer Choose this option if you want to transfer records that the systemcould not post to Human Resources the first time. You can use thepersonnel number, date, date of last retrieval, and time of lastretrieval as selection criteria. Choose the Error> orForeground> mode. Please note: If you correct errors directlyfrom the report, the data records in the recording system no longercorrespond to the records that were changed and transferred to HR. You can select data records that have already been successfullytransferred. You should only use this option if you created a batchinput session that has been lost. Transfer/delete Choose this option if you want to transfer data records and then deletethem immediately from the relevant interface tables. Only records thatwere transferred successfully are deleted. To optimize systemperformance, reorganize the interface tables regularly. Only delete Choose this option if you only want to delete data records that werealready transferred from the interface tables. Only records indicatedas successfully transferred are deleted. If you also want to deletelocked data records, select the relevant field. Lock/unlock Choose this option if you want to exclude certain data records from thetransfer. This happens when you do not want to correct records witherrors in the source system, but enter them manually in the SAP System.You lock the records with errors in the interface tables. The lockedrecords are indicated by the closed lock symbol. You can unlock data records that have been locked so that they can betransferred. Unlocked records are indicated by the open lock symbol. You can select data by personnel number and date, and also by incorrectdata, new data, and locked data. This option is not available when you post substitutions. You must specify which infotypes you want your data records to supply:Attendances/Absences> (2002 and 2001), Employee RemunerationInfo> (2010), Substitutions> (2003); select the optionsaccordingly. RESET N1 Additional options: Output log The system outputs a list of the selected data records. A stoplightsymbol shows whether or not the records were successfully posted. Send mail If the data is posted successfully to HR, a mail appears in the inboxof the user who started the report. This is important if the report isstarted in batch. Test run The data is read from the interface table during the test run, but notposted. Use this mode: To check if errors occur when the data is read To get an overview of the records that have to be postedOutput The report generates a log once the data is transferred successfully toHR. The log shows how many data records were transferred successfully,and how many records were not transferred. If you have chosen the Log> option, the log also containsadditional detailed information on the data records. If there is a collision with a data record entered in HR, you mustcheck which of the two records is correct, and correct or delete theincorrect record. A collision can occur if the HR record was enteredafter the record in the source system, for example. If there is a collision with an HR data record that was entered beforethe transfer, check:
- Your Customizing settings for collision checks (if you use the time
sheet). For more information, see the Specify systemreaction to overlapping time infotypes > step
- The settings for the CheckCollision method for the PTManagerExtAttAbs
business object (if you use insert BAPIs)