Description Report RPTERR00 generates a list of employees for whom errors occurredin time evaluation. All errors are displayed for each employee. You can select a line to obtain information on the cause of the errorfor a particular employee, and can take the necessary action to rectifythe error directly from the list. The options are as follows:
- You can maintain existing infotypes by selecting them with the cursor.
- You can create infotypes. Select the infotype by pressing the
appropriate function key; the system displays all permitted subtypes ifone is required.
- You can maintain existing time events by selecting them with the
- You can record time events. Use the appropriate function key to call up
a fast entry screen; existing time events are displayed on this screen.
- You can maintain existing time tickets by selecting them with the
- You can create time tickets. Select the time ticket type using the
appropriate function key; you can also display a list of all possibletime tickets. Employees who have been processed are indicated in the EI>column. You can limit the information that is displayed for each employee foreach error: Please indicate which information should be displayed foreach error in the Reaction of error transaction> view. Allinformation is displayed if you do not indicate otherwise in this view.You can request the system to display all information by using theappropriate function in the detail list. Information is limited to theperiod from the day before the first error to the day after the lasterror. Once the errors have been corrected, you can start the time evaluationreport, RPTIME00. The report is run for all employees who have beenprocessed unless you select an individual employee using the cursor.Procedure Hints Further notes Administrators receive a list of all the employees under theirjurisdiction for the current day (system date.) If an administratorceases to be responsible for an employee, this employee is no longerdisplayed. If matchcode L is used, the procedure is the same.