Description CAUTION> This report was deleted for Release SAP ECC 6.0 (SAP_HR 600). Formore information, see the release informationRPTENT00 Report Deleted (Deleted)>.> In some branches of industry, employees planned and actual working timescan fluctuate, which makes it necessary for working times to be recordedmanually. In order to support this activity as much as possible, thereport RPTENT00> has a new data entry screen that enables timerecording for multiple persons and infotypes>. You can use this reportto record several infotypes for several employees at the same time. Notall types of data can be recorded using this report. If you want torecord more complex time data, you should use the standardtransactions for maintaining time data> or fast entry>. Time data recorded using this report is stored in the system as:
- Absences in the Absences> infotype (2001), including quota
- Attendances in the Attendances> infotype (2002)
- Substitutions in the Substitutions> infotype (2003)
- Employee remuneration information in the EE Remuneration Info>
infotype (2010)
- Control information for time evaluation and time balance revisions in
the Time Balance Revisions> infotype (2012)Step-by-step procedure Start the report RPTENT00> Select the persons and time period, and determine various options anddefault values on the report selection screen Execute the report The system displays the existing time data for the persons and daysselected on the display screen. Enter, change or delete the time data onthe entry screen Save the data The system displays a log with any system message that occurred when thedata was posted Use the standard transactions for maintaining time data or fast entry topostprocess the incorrect records (error handling) RESET N1Selection screen for report RPTENT00 On the selection screen you can use the following functions to selectthe data to be processed: You can use selection options from the logical database PNP andadditional report-specific selection according to the work schedulerule> and the employees' time management status to select the personsand processing period. You can choose the data recording view (day or person view) and entrymode (display or maintain mode). You can select the infotypes to be processed or displayed (any infotypesyou have not selected are hidden during processing). You can choose upto four time balance revisions> as checkboxes. You can specify various default values (Absence or attendance type,substitution type or times>). RESET N1 You can store the selection screen as a variant that can be called atany time.Selection options from the logical database PNP You can use the standard selection options of the logical database PNP. If no time interval is specified, the report uses the current week(Monday through Sunday) as the default. Report-specific selection In addition to the selection options of the logical database PNP,selections can be made according to the employees' work schedule ruleand time management status. Time data recording View You can record time data using two different views: Day view: To display or maintain the infotype records of all selectedpersonnel numbers on one screen. The entry screen displays data for oneday only. The day is shown in the title of the table control. Person view: To display or maintain all infotype records for onepersonnel number on one screen. The entry screen displays time data forevery day within the selected period. The person is shown in the titleof the table conrol. RESET N1 You can switch between the two views during processing. You can use thecursor to select the desired day or person. Unsaved entries remainunchanged. Mode Switch to the maintain screen or the display screen. Other users candisplay data for persons who are being maintained, but they cannotmaintain the same persons at the same time. Several users can, however,display data for the same employees at the same time. Time data to be maintained You can create, change or delete records lasting one day or less frominfotypes 2001, 2002, 2003, 2010 and 2012 in the maintenance mode. Youcan create or maintain absences, attendances and substitutions lastingmore than one day in a dialog box. All of the existing records of theseinfotypes are displayed in the data entry screen. You can change ordelete records lasting one day or less if you recorded them usingstandard transactions and did not enter any texts or additional datasuch as activity allocation or cost assignment. If this is the case, youcan only display the applicable records. You can display time pairs that have not been changed by timeevaluation> and that have already been formed when the screen iscalled (either in separate columns or in the start time> andend time> columns). You can select up to four time balance revisions as checkboxes to enablecontrolling in time evaluation. You can only maintain one-day recordsusing the checkboxes. You must enter the time balance revisions togetherwith the personnel subarea grouping> for time recording. Infotypes that you do not select are hidden in the subsequentprocessing.Checkboxes for time balance revisions You can specify up to four time balance revisions from the selectionscreen to be displayed at checkboxes in the entry screen. If you selecta time balance revision, a record is created with the number 1. If youdeselect it, all time balance revisions of this type for the relevantperson on that day are deleted. These time balance revisions can be used as control information in timeevaluation. For example, you can use a time balance revision designedespecially for this purpose to control whether an employee is to be paidan overtime bonus or not. Time evaluation must then query the existenceof a record of this time balance revision and react accordingly. You can only process one-day time balance revisions using thecheckboxes. Default values In the selection screen, you can specify default values for the startand end time and the absence, attendance or substitution type>.You can also choose to have employees' planned times as default times.These default values are then automatically put in the entry lines forpersons in the maintain screen. You can also create new default values or change existing defaults inthe Change default values> dialog box when you are processingdata. Default values are only inserted once for each person and day duringprocessing. Proceed as follows:
- The values entered in the selection screen are checked per person and
day for validity when the recording screen is constructed and then thesevalues are automatically entered in the corresponding data entry lines.Attendances, absences or substitutions not defined for a particularperson are not transferred.
- No default values are transferred for the daily work schedule "off"
(planned time = 0) or for day type 1 (paid day off).
- If a default value could not be inserted for one of the above reasons,
it is logged as an error in the error list.
- If you want the system to propose a default absence, attendance or
substitution type for a person on a day that already has an absence orattendance, a warning is issued in the error list indicating thatcollisions may occur. If a substitution already exists, but no absenceor attendance, a warning is issued in the error list only if asubstitution type is proposed by the system. The default values areinserted in both cases. It is up to the user to take account of thewarning messages. Any collisions that occur are displayed in the messagelog after you save> the time data. If you select new default values during processing, the default valuesalready inserted remain unchanged. With new default values, you muststart the process of inserting default values once again, that is, theyare also transferred for persons or days for which other default valueshave already been inserted. If you insert a new line using the insert line> function, all ofthe default values defined for that person on that day are transferred,regardless of the daily work schedule or day type.The time data recording screen for report RPTENT00 The recording screen displays the existing data records of the timeinfotypes chosen in the selection screen under the time data to beprocessed section. Records lasting one day or less from infotypes 2001,2002, 2003, 2010 und 2012 can then be processed in the maintain screen.You can only display records lasting more than one day, records withhidden information and time pairs not changed by time evaluation thatalready formed at the time of call. You can use a dialog box to maintain absences, attendances andsubstitutions lasting more than one day. Each line corresponds to one infotype record. Different infotypes mustbe maintained in separate lines. When you access the recording screen inthe single person view, one blank line and the existing infotype recordsare listed for each person selected or for each day within the selectionperiod. Description of functions Save (only in maintain screen) Recorded, changed or deleted data is written to the database. Allvalidations> for the standard transactions for maintaining timedata are carried out. All warnings, error messages and other messagesare listed in a log. Please note that no dynamic actions are carried outwhen the records are posted. This means that in certain cases you mayhave to carry out a comparison of absences and attendances separately. Special situations can be postprocessed afterward by the administratorresponsible by using the standard transactions for maintaining timedata or fast entry (error handling).Print The current table control is printed. A variety of formatting optionsare available. Display or change You can switch between the display screen and the maintain screen, andvice versa. When you jump from the display screen to the maintainscreen, the personnel numbers are locked. When you jump from themaintain screen to the display screen, the personnel numbers arereleased for processing again. Locked persons can still be viewed in thedisplay screen. Time data recording view Change> You can switch from person view to day view (and vice versa) duringprocessing. Unsaved entries remain unchanged. Previous day The previous day in the selection period is included in the recordingscreen. You cannot scroll past the limit of the selection period. Next day The next day in the selection period is included in the recordingscreen. You cannot scroll past the limit of the selection period. Previous person The previous person from the selected personnel numbers is included inthe recording screen. You cannot scroll past the limit of the selectedpersonnel numbers. Next person The next person from the selected personnel numbers is included in therecording screen. You cannot scroll past the limit of the selectedpersonnel numbers. Sort In the person and day views, you can sort data for each day and personin the following ways: Time events, time pairs Substitutions Attendances and absences Employee remuneration information Time balance revisions RESET N1 If the cursor is placed on a certain column in the day view, thepersonnel numbers are sorted according to this column. You can sortaccording to the following columns: Personnel number Name Daily work schedule Daily work schedule variants Break schedule Planned working hours Start of planned working time End of planned working time Time management status RESET N1 Insert line (only in the maintain screen) If the cursor is placed on a particular personnel number, a new entryline (with default values, if applicable) is inserted above the line forthe personnel number. Delete line (only in the maintain screen) If the cursor is placed on the line of an existing or newly recordedtime record, the record is deleted and the line disappears. You can onlydelete lines that are ready for input. Undo (only in the maintain screen) You can undo new entries or changes until the data is transferred to theemployee buffer. This is the case if:
- You change the day or person
- You change the data recording mode
- You exit the dialog box change default values> using adopt>
- You exit the dialog box record lasting more than one day> using
- You choose sort>
Until you select one of these options, the newly entered or changedrecords are highlighted in red. Default values entered by the system are also deleted if the user hasnot yet seen them (by scrolling). Records deleted by the delete line> function cannot be retrieved.Manually overwritten records are transferred in their previous format.Change default values You can select new default values during processing using a dialog box.Existing default values remain unchanged. Record lasting more than one day You can use a dialog box to process attendances, absences andsubstitutions that last more than one day. If you have used the standardtransactions for maintaining additional data that cannot be displayed onthe recording screen (for example, cost assignment or text, you can onlydisplay the records. Please note that possible collisions (caused by achange in date, for example) are only displayed after the data is saved. If you place the cursor on a blank entry line, you can create a newattendance, absence or substitution lasting more than one day. Error list Errors, missing Customizing entries and collision warnings relating tothe default values are compiled in an error list. If required, you candisplay the error list.