SAP Program RPTEMFV0 - Statistic on self-declared illness (egenmeld sykefravær)

This report displays for a Bedrift, the

  • Number of occurrences of self declared illness leave. Example,

  • An employee took two days of self declared illness leave consecutively.In this case, there is one occurrence.
    An employee took one day of self declared illness leave this week andanother after 10 days. In this case, there are two occurences.
    • Number of man-days of self declared illness

    • The report displays this information separately for men and women. Italso displays the same information for the total of men and women.
      You can run this report for more than one Bedrift at a time.

      The report reads the Absences infotype (2001) and the table viewConnection org. numbers and rep. org. number (V_T5V2G) for theabsence details.


      • Enter the employee selection criteria.

      • Enter the Bedrifts number for which you want to run the report.

      • Enter the Year and the Quarter of the year for which you
      • want to run the report.