Description Bank transfer cycle A payroll run generates a transfer batch of which a copy is kept in theexchange. A list of these transfers is sent to the client who consultsthese transfers, checks them for each batch clearing bank and selectstransfers that he wishes to delete. After this check, he gives the go-ahead for the bank in question. A transfer for an employee is cancelledthrough a "C" type process and results in all transfers for thisemployee being cancelled. The employee will have to be reprocessed. Hispersonnel number is entered into matchcode W and a free format ADPinfotype (0435) is automatically generated to cancel the previouslysaved net paid amount on the exchange site (ZADIG item X679). Once allbanks have been checked, the client gives the go ahead for batchtransfer. The saved copy of transfers in the exchange is cleared ofcancellations and transmitted to the CTI. A letter of debit is generatedafter transmission and sent to the client for verification. Transfersare "frozen"; it is then possible to produce the list of transfers. Note If an employee is reprocessed, any new transfer returns to the same CBEwith another batch n°. It is possible to link the two types ofprocessing via the CBE, if necessary. (/ Personnel n°, CBE, Batch). Different positions A transfer goes through a number of positions. with regards to validity:
- transfer is OK
- transfer is KO
- transfer is frozen (final period).
with regards to transmission:
- transfer has returned to the station (validity code = OK)
- transfer is cancelled on the station (validity code passes KO)
- approval or cancellation is transmitted to the exchange
- letter of debit returned, the transfer has been sent to the bank
(validity code = frozen). A flag indicator (Top) follows these positions and operates on 3 levels:
- the individual transfer
- the CBE
- the batch
Top / Batch ----> BL ------------------------> 1 ------> 9 ------> Top / CBE ----> Bl --------------> 1 ------> 2 -------> 9 ------> Top / ok --------------------------------------> Transfer ----> Bl ---[ Individual ko ->1 ----------------------------------> Received,, Cancel,, Go-ahead,, Go-ahead,,Return,,Purge >>> Trf.,, trf.,, CBE Bank,, Batch,, debit letter,,>>> on station>>,,>Batch management For each one of the various displayed batches, you may:
- request its detail by clicking on it (see below). Information is for
consultation only if the batch has already received the go-ahead.
- produce a list of batch transfers / Print button (see Printing Bank
Transfers below)
- cancel a batch / Cancel button: this only applies to a batch that has
not received go-ahead and cannot be done without an authorisedadministrator's confirmation (corresponds to a negative go-ahead).