Time Statement Form Use Report RPTEDT00 creates an overview of the results determined by timeevaluation, for example, an overview of time balances and time wagetypes for each employee. You can use the report to check the timeevaluation results, for example, or to send time statements toemployees. Employees can use the self-service application for the timestatement to view the current status of their time balances and timewage types in the Internet or intranet. Integration You have the option of outputting the time statement at the same timeas the time evaluation report (RPTIME00). To do this, enter a variantin the Time statement variant> field in the RPTIME00 selectionscreen. After time evaluation has run, you can display the timestatement by choosing Display form>. To print the form, chooseDisplay -> Print>.Preconditions
- Before a time statement can be created, the time data of the selected
employees must be evaluated by time evalation (RPTIME00). The timestatement is only output for days that have already been evaluated(this includes future days that have already undergone a preliminaryevaluation).
- In the selection screen, you can specify which form you want to use for
the time statement. You can enter a standard form, or a form that youhave created in Customizing. If you form customer-specific timebalances and wage types in time evaluation, you are recommended todisplay them on a customized form. The standard system delivers standard forms that represent the mostimportant views of the dataset. You can use them as a template tocreate your own time statement forms. The following forms are provided: TF00> Lists the most important time balances by day TF01> Lists the most important time balances by day, letterhead with address,additional information TF02> Lists the most important time balances by day, letterhead with address,additional information in a clearer layout. TFL1> Overview list of the cumulated time balances TFL2> Overview list of the cumulated time balances. Form is only printedunder particular conditions (which you can set in Customizing). Forexample, the flextime surplus or deficit is only printed if it is < 0. For detailed information on creating a customized time statement form,see Form Editor>.Scope of Functions
- Time data, and time balances and wage types formed by time evaluation,
are output for individual days. If you create a time statement for anentire period that has already been accounted, the time statementdisplays a totals overview of the balances calculated for the evaluatedperiod. Note: The total of the individual day balances and the period balancesmay be different. This is the case if particular balances aretransferred at the end of a period (for example, the flextime balanceis converted to overtime).
- You can also output a time statement for periods for which time
evaluation triggers a recalculation. You can use the Earliestrecalculation date for the time statement form> to enter an earliestdate for the output of the time statement. The date is set viaHuman resources -> Time management -> Administration -> Tools ->Current settings>.
- You can also output a time statement for employees who have errors in
time evaluation.
- You can go from the list screen to the time data records to receive
detailed information.
- You can display collapsed views of the results, such as weekly totals
and summarized time wage types (that is, a time wage type only appearsonce for each day on the time statement).
- You can add a letterhead to the form so that you can send time
statements to your employees. Alternatively, you can allow youremployees access to the self-service application for the time statementso that they can view the time statement in the Internet or intranet.For more information, see Internet TimeStatement (PA-TIM-EVA Time Statements)>.
- You can specify an output language for the time statement. For example,
if you choose Employee's language>, the time statement isdisplayed in the employee's language.
- You can use SAP enhancement HRPTIM04 to modify information from the
tables in clusters B2 before output. You may want to do this if youwant to output only one time pair each day, for example.Activity Obtaining Detailed Information on Time Data Records> In the selection screen under Parameters for time statement>,activate the Branch to time data info> field. Choose Execute>. The individual results that contain additional information areidentified by a magnifying glass icon. Select the line for which you want to view detailed information, andchoose Choose>. The relevant infotype appears in display mode.