Attendance Check Use The report creates a list of all employees who are at work, absent witha reason, absent without a reason, or late at a specific time. The listshows you which employees are absent at the time of the evaluation andmay have to be substituted by other employees. You can also displayemployees who should be at work according to their personal workschedule, but are not at work and have not stated a reason for theirabsence. Preconditions
- The evaluation is based on the time events recorded at the time
recording system and in the Absences> (2001) and Attendances > (2002) infotypes.
- If you work with time recording systems, the time events must be
uploaded to the SAP System before the evaluation is run. Pair formationmust have been carried out in time evaluation for the time event types'clock-in or clock-out', 'start/end of off-site work', 'start/end ofoff-site work at home', and 'start/end of break', since theseparticular time events can only be interpreted in combination with asecond time event.Scope of functions
- You can make your selection according to the employees' attendance
status and display all employees who are late for work on the selectedday, for example. The attendance status is determined as follows: The last time posting before the evaluation determines whether theemployee is at work>, off-site>, or taking a break>.If you have activated the Evaluate work schedule> field, thesystem also references the last time posting to check if the employeearrived late> or late for normal working time> (this statusis for flextime without a core time), or if there is a core timeviolation>. If the employee is not at work, off-site, or taking a break accordingto his or her last time posting, the system checks if there is anabsence (infotype 2001) or manually recorded attendance (infotype2002). The attendance status Attendance < 1 day>, Absence< 1 day>, Full-day attendance>, or Full-day absence> isdisplayed. If there are no recorded attendances or absences and you want the dailywork schedule to be evaluated, the system checks whether the employeeshould be at work according to his or her daily work schedule. Ifapplicable, the attendance status missing> or missing fornormal working time> (this status is for flextime without a coretime) is displayed.
- In addition to the evaluation time, you should specify the maximum
number of hours that may lie between the last time posting and theevaluation time. Only time postings within this time frame are takeninto account to determine the attendance status.
- You can base the evalution on the work schedule to get a list of
employees who, according to their personal work schedule, should be atwork at the time of the evaluation, but are not at work nor have stateda reason for their absence.
- Depending on the attendance status, the evaluation displays the time
event type and time of the last posting or attendance/absence type.
- Once the evaluation is complete, you can display a selection log
listing all restrictions with which the report was run. The listincludes all entries you made on the selection screen, for example,personnel numbers, date, and time. You can use the log to check allrestrictions without having to exit the evaluation.
- You can display an error list of the employees who were not selected.
The list contains the employees for whom certain infotypes (forexample, planned working time or time event information) are notmaintained and who are therefore not included in the evaluation. Theerror list shows the personnel numbers of the employees who were notselected, the type of error message (for example, a yellow symbol for W= warning), and the error text.
- You can send the table by mail or download it to Excel or Word for
further processing.Activity Evaluate according to work schedule> If you activate the Evaluate work schedule> field, the list alsoshows the employees who should be at work at the time of the evaluationaccording to their personal work schedule, but are not at work nor havestated a reason for their absence. The planned working time and, forflextime, the core times are also displayed in the list. The system assumes that employees with a Time Management status>of 0 (no time evaluation), 7 (time evaluation without payrollintegration), or 9 (time evaluation of planned times for whom noattendances or absences have been recorded in the evaluation period areat work according to the times in their daily work schedule. Employeeswith a Time Management status> of 8 (External ServicesManagement) for whom no attendances or absences have been recorded inthe evaluation period are not listed. For daily work schedules that extend over midnight, full-day absencescan only be accurately identified if you have activated theEvaluate work schedule> field. If you only want information on which employees are at work, leave theEvaluate work schedule> field blank as determining the daily workis relatively time-intensive. Display report restrictions> RESET N1 Choose Settings->Selections>. A dialog box appears listing all restrictions with which the report wasrun. Close the dialog box to get back to the initial list. RESET N1 Display error list> RESET N1 Choose Error list>. You see a list of all employees who were not selected. To get back to the initial list, choose Back>. RESET N1Example You want to display a list of employees in your supervisor area who aremissing from work on the current day. This will allow you to reorganizethe manning of machines, if necessary, or request employees from otherdepartments. Procedure> RESET N1 Call the selection screen for report RPTEAB00. Choose Further selections>, select the Supervisor area>field to add it to the selection screen, and enter the relevantsupervisor area. Under Time of evaluation>, activate the Evaluate workschedule> field. Choose Execute>. You can determine from the list which employees are absent all day (forexample, ill or on holiday), which are at work all day (for example, ona training course), and which are absent without having stated a reasonfor their absence. RESET N1