Daily Work Schedule Use This report creates an overview of daily work schedules that reflectcertain criteria. The list can be used to check daily work schedulesthat you defined in Customizing. You can also display all daily workschedules, for example, that contain less than 8 planned working hoursby selecting certain criteria. Scope of functions You can predefine the Grouping of personnel subareas for daily work>schedules> (PS grouping> field) or the Daily workschedule short >description> (Daily work schedule>field). With additional criteria, you can further limit the selectionof daily work schedules by using selection criteria such as plannedworking time or break schedule.
- In the list screen you can enter a description (long text) in the daily
work schedule next to the short description. Furthermore, all existingvariants of one daily work schedule are displayed. By selecting a line,you can jump to the detail screen of the daily work schedule itself, tosee more details about the planned working time and the break scheduleassigned to it.
- You can also print out the list of selected daily work schedules. The
print out shows all entries for the daily work schedule. You can alsomodify the contents of the list to meet your requirements.
- You can send the list by mail or download it to Excel or Word for
further processing.Activity Restricting the selection of daily work schedules> After you have defined the Grouping of personnel subareas for daily>work schedules> (PS grouping> field) or the Dailywork schedule short >description> (Daily work schedule>field), the Display Daily Work >Schedule: Overview> screenappears. Here you can further limit the selection of daily work schedules: RESET N1 Choose Selection -> By contents...> A dialog box appears containing additional selection criteria. Select the selection criteria, and choose Continue>. Another dialog box appears in which you can further define yourselectedcriteria: In the Op> field, enter a relational operator, such as <>,>>, oder =>. A list of all of the possible operators can beaccessed by choosing possible entries help (F4). In the Field contents> field, enter an applicable value. Forexample, for the selection criterion Planned >working hours > you must enter a number of hours. For several selection criteria, you enter the link type AND> oderOR> in the Link> field. The following functions are also available in the dialog box: Confirm> You can use this function to confirm the entries you have made. Append> You can use this function to add selection criteria to the list ofexisting criteria. The criterion you select is appended to the existingentries wth AND>. Insert> You can use this function to inset selection criteria at any point inthe list of existing entries. The criterion you select is insertedimmediately before the entry on which your cursor was placed. Alsoenter the link type AND> or OR>. Delete> You can use this function to delete selected selection criteria. Choose Choose>. The list of daily work schedules that match your selection criteria isdisplayed. RESET N1 Display detail information on daily work schedule> RESET N1 Select the relevant line in the list, and choose Goto -> Details >, or double-click on the line. You get detailed information on the selected daily work schedule, forexample, information on the working times. To go back to the list, choose Back>. RESET N1 Print list of daily work schedules> RESET N1 Choose Table view->Print>. The system displays a list of the selected daily work schedulescontaining all specifications on the schedules. You can modify the listas you require. To print the list, choose List->Print>. RESET N1 Execute mail function> RESET N1 Choose Table view->Print>. Choose List->Send>. Enter a user name as recipient. Choose Document->Send>. RESET N1Example You want to find all part-time daily work schedules that have less than5 planned hours and belong to personnel subarea grouping for daily workschedules 01. Procedure> RESET N1 Call the selection screen for report RPTDSH20. In the Personnel subarea grouping> field, enter 01. Choose Execute>. Choose Choose->By contents...>, and select the Plannedworking hours> field. Choose Continue>. A dialog box appears. In the Co> field, enter the <>symbol, and in the Field contents> field, enter 5>. Choose Choose>. RESET N1