SAP Program RPTCORDBVIEW - Display Clock-In/Out Corrections (Database)

This program provides an overview of all data relating to clock-in/outcorrections. It reads the relevant data from multiple tables anddisplays it in various levels of detail.

This program provides the following views and functions:

List of documents
The list of documents displays the selected clock-in/out corrections. Ifthere is more than one version of a document, the system displays theversions with the same background color.

  • If you implement SAP Business Workflow, you can branch to
  • Workitem Selection. To do this, select a document and chooseWorkflow.
    • To branch to the Document Items view, double-click on a document.
    • Document items
      This view displays all the details about a document.

      • By double-clicking on a document item, you access a view in which you
      • can display all data available for the document.