Title Initialization of COVER Table for Absence Refinement Purpose You use this report to fill the COVER table on the PC cluster. You useit once to enter markers for absences from past periods into the COVERtable for the times before production startup of absence refinement. Valuation of absences in Payroll gives you the opportunity to refineabsences further according to country-specific or customer-specificbusiness requirements. The XNAB function evaluates the COVER table,which contains detailed information for each day of absence. Thisinformation is stored in the form of markers for each day or partialday. It is often the case that information about past absence days isrelevant for determining a marker for an absence day. Therefore, thefirst time you use the XNAB function, you must ensure that the COVERtable contains data from periods far enough in the past to meet yourbusiness requirements. You can use this report to fill the COVER tablewith past data. It processes the rules for the XNAB function. Preconditions You have made the required Customizing settings for the refinement ofabsences. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for Payrollfor your country and choose: -> Absences -> Absence Valuation ->Refinement of Absences -> Define Absences forRefinement>.Features The report processes all regulations that you have specified inCustomizing, in the HRTIMAB SAP enhancement, the HRTIM_COV_HISTORY BAdI,and in the country-specific function modules. You therefore do not needto trigger a retroactive accounting run for Payroll to fill the COVERtable. One exception is the option of having particular absences not taken intoaccount in off-cycle payroll runs. The RPTBCH00 report ignores anyoff-cycle absences that may be in theHR_COV_CHECK_AB_xx> function module or thatyou specified in customer-specific enhancements. Because the report isnot a payroll run, it cannot access corresponding information aboutoff-cycle payroll runs. You can run the report in test mode first, by deselecting theImplement database change> field.Selection Choose the end date of the report so that it is one day before theproduction startup date of the XNAB function. For more information, seethe Implementation Guide for Payroll for your country and choose -> Absences -> Absence Valuation -> Refinement of Absences -> PrepareProduction Startup for the Refinement of Absences.Output When filling the COVER table, the system does not take account ofabsence times that start earlier than the start date or end later thanthe end date of the data selection period specified on the selectionscreen of the RPTBCH00 report. Before running the RPTBCH00 report, you should use absence reporting toidentify these absence times. You can then split the absence times inthe Absences >infotype (2001) according to the start/end date ofthe initialization or move the start/end date of the initializationaccordingly. If absences overlap the start or end date, the report does not processthe data further. The rejected records are displayed in the report log. |