SAP Program RPTARQUIATEST - Test Report for the UIA Interface for Leave Requests

You can use this program in the test phase to simulate your entries andthe output in the Web application to test your Customizing settings, theinterfaces, and the database of requests.
This program was created to support the implementation of theapplication internally at SAP. We are making it available to you,however, the program is not released. You can use it in the test phase,however, you should not use it in a production system. SAP cannotguarantee the safety of your data.


  • Display List of Requests

  • All of the employee's requests are displayed. Pushbuttons above theoutput and detail list provide you with all the functions for simulatingchanging and deleting requests. You can test the additional fields inchange mode. You can then overwrite or enter data in fields.
    • Create Request

    • You can use this function to simulate creating a request.
      • Time Accounts

      • You can use this function to test the Time Accounts Webapplication.
        • Calendar

        • Currently has no function.
          • Attendance Overview

          • You can use this function to test the Attendance Overview Webapplication.
            • Team Calendar

            • You can use this function to test the Team Calendar Webapplication.