Purpose You can use this program to post approved leave requests as absences.
Caution> Do not run this program until the RPTARQEMAIL>program (Batch Report for Sending E-Mails for Leave Requests>) hasfinished. This ensures that approvers are informed of requests requiringapproval and employees' leave that is not subject to approval even ifyou use the Leave Request> application without a workflow.Features The program provides the following functions:
- You can decide the number of processed requests after which the program
updates the database of requests. If the lock table overflows when theprogram is run, choose a lower value.
- You can decide whether leave requests that could not be saved in the
absences (2001) infotype for technical reasons should be reconsideredwhen posted. Select the option Post with Infotype Match> if youwould like leave requests that have already been set as absences toautomatically be shown as posted.
- You can choose whether you want the program to issue a detailed log. A
simple log is always output.
- You can double-click on a line of the log to branch to the
RPTARQDBVIEW> program (Display Leave Requests(Database of Requests)>) to view the database of leave requests.