Purpose You can use this program to send e-mail notifications to employees whosubmit or approve leave requests, or who process them in the event oferrors.
- The
Requester> receives an e-mail when one or more of his or her requests has been approved or rejected.
- The
Approver> receives an e-mail when requests submitted by his or her employees have to be approved or (for types of leave not requiringapproval) have been posted without approval.
- The
HR Administrator> receives an e-mail when he or she has to process requests with errors manually.Integration The program uses the SAP system's documentdistribution> functions.Prerequisites For the responsible parties to be able to be notified, the fields forthe requester and the next agent have to be filled in the database ofrequests. The only way of determining the HR administrator responsible is to usethe Get Table withE-Mail Lists> method of the PT_GEN_REQ Business Add-In.Features The program provides the following functions:
- The standard system contains various texts for the e-mails to the above-
mentioned employees. If you want to write your own texts, you can createthem in the Documentation Maintenance >transaction (SE61). Choosethe document class Dialog Text>.
- You can also list the corresponding documents in the e-mail.
- You can run the program for all requests that have changed since the
last time the program was run. SAP recommends this setting. You can alsoenter a date of your choice. In this case, the program takes account ofall requests that have been submitted since this date. Your employeesmay, however, receive duplicate e-mails if this setting is active.
- You can specify the volume as of which the program transfers data to the
SAPconnect >component (BC-SRV-COM) >to send the e-mails.
- You can choose whether you want the program to issue a detailed log. It
always outputs a short log.Selection