Description The Report for Time Leveling> is a sample report demonstrating howa test procedure for time infotype records is implemented. With this type of test procedure, employees can enter their own timedata in the system, and a specially authorized person can check the dataand release it if he or she has no queries. Once the data has beenreleased, it cannot be changed Using the Report for Time Leveling>, time infotype records for aspecific person can be checked and released automatically. The report isclosely linked to the Test Procedures> infotype (0130) and thecorresponding extended authorization concept.How the report is integrated with the test process You can use the Test Procedures> infotype (0130) to definedifferent levels of write authorization for infotypes. To do this, youspecify several test procedures (subtypes) in the Test Procedures>infotype (0130). For each test procedure, you then determine theinfotypes or subtypes for which you want a more detailed authorizationcheck in Customizing. If a user wants to create a record for an infotype specified in the testprocedure, the system checks whether the user has write authorizationfor the infotype and also whether he or she has write authorization forthe Test Procedures> infotype (0130). If not, the system checks the release data in the test procedure. A userwho only has read authorization for the infotype cannot change infotyperecords that are before the release date. These infotype records can only be changed by users who have specialauthorization. They require authorization to change the infotypes storedin the test procedure and also for the Test Procedures> infotype(0130). The Time Leveling report simplifies the process of checking andreleasing recorded time data. If you use the report, you do not have tocall up all an employee's time data records one by one and set therelease data manually. The test procedure using the Time Leveling report comprises thefollowing steps: You start the report for the relevant period and employees (theemployees for whom you are responsible). The standard selection options on the report selection screen allow youto select the employees on the basis of their organizationalassignments. You check the time data recorded for an employee. In the first level of the list output by the report, you obtain anoverview of all employees and the total hours. You can compare theplanned hours from the employee's personal work schedule to the timedata entered or the results of time evaluation. The difference betweenplanned and actual time is shown. If you require information on an individual day, select the relevantemployee. The Time Leveling: Peiod View> screen appears. From thislevel, you can go straight to the relevant time infotypes to make anycorrections that are required. If you have no queries about your employees' data, you should releasethe records per employee and selected period. When the data is released,the release date in the Test Procedures> infotype (0130) isautomatically set to the end date of the data selection period.Preconditions RESET N1 If you want to use the Test Procedures> infotype (0130), you musthave defined test procedures in Customizing. For more information, seealso the Implementation Guide for master data under PersonnelAdministration -> Tools -> Authorization Administration -> SpecialAuthorizations in Personnel Admininstration -> Test Procedures. You can only use the Time Leveling report to check time infotyperecords. If you want the report to update the Test Procedures>infotype (0130) A relevant test procedure (subtype of the infotype) must already becreated for the employee. The period processed by the report must follow on directly from the lastrelease date. This guarantees that all data is checked. When you start the report, all selected personnel numbers are locked. Ifthere are personnel numbers that are being processed in othertransactions, they cannot be included in the run.Output The data in the first level of the list comprises the following: Attendance hours> + Planned hours from the employee's personal work schedule - Absences Actual hours> Employees with a Time Management status other than 0 or 9:> + Time type as a result of time evaluation, for example, time type 0050 (productive hours) + Attendance hours (infotype 2002) + Employee remuneration information Employees assigned the Time Management status 0 or 9:> + Attendance hours + Empoyee remuneration information Difference hours> Difference between attendance hours and actual hours Notes>: RESET N1 Remuneration information is only taken into account if the specifiedwage types feature as wage types for basic hours in the 'basic hours'field in the Wage Type Characteristics> table (T511). If there is a full-day absence recorded for an employee, the attendancehours and actual hours are shown as 0 hours.Example One of your employees, Harry Smith, enters his own working hours in thesystem, and also certain absences. You want the data he enters to besubject to a test procedure. Harry Smith is therefore assigned writeauthorization for the relevant time infotypes and also readauthorization for the Test Procedures> infotype (0130). He canonly enter time data for periods that come after the release date of thetest procedure. The data is checked by Harry Smith's supervisor at the end of each (timeevaluation) period. His supervisor has write authorization for the timeinfotypes and the Test Procedures> infotype (0130). Harry Smith has entered time data for the the month of May. Hissupervisor checks the data at the end of the month using the TimeLeveling report, and then releases it. When the data is released, therelease date in the test procedure is automatically set to the end ofMay. Harry Smith can no longer enter or change time data for the monthof May. |