SAP Program RPTABS60 - Attendances/Absences: Multiple Employee View

Attendance/Absence Data: Multiple-Employee View

You can use this report to display the attendances and absences for eachemployee in a monthly view for multiple employees. For example, you candisplay the employees who have leave in a particular month.

You can also access this report from the RPTABS50report (Attendance/Absence Data: Calendar View). If you call reportRPTABS60 (Attendance/Absence Data: Multiple Employee View) directly, itevaluates one month. If, however, you access it from report RPTABS50,you can also evaluate alternative periods (for example, a period of 14days).

Attendances/absences are indicated in the output list by their abbreviat
ion (attendance/absence category). These abbreviations must first be setup when you customize attendance and absence types.


  • The selection period is defined as one month; the report evaluates the
  • month in which the key date lies.
    • You can run the report to evaluate only attendances, only absences, or
    • individual attendance or absence types, for example.
      • The selected attendance/absence types are displayed in the list with
      • their abbreviation. In addition to the abbreviations defined inCustomizing, the system may add the symbols *, ?, or /.
        • From the multiple-employee view, you can branch to the infotype for the
        • corresponding attendance or absence.
          • You can display an error list that contains the employees whose data con

          • tains errors. The list contains the personnel numbers of employees, thetype of error message, and the error text.

            Determine Attendances/Absences to be Evaluated
            If you want to use the attendance/absence type to select the attendances
            /absences, select the attendance/absence type field andindicate whether you want to select attendances and absences. You canthen restrict the evaluation to individual attendances/absences.
            If you want to use the attendance/absence category to select the attenda
            nces/absences, select the attendance/absence categoryfield and restrict the selection as required.
            Interpret multiple-employee view
            Attendances/absences are displayed in the multiple-employee view bytheir attendance or absence category (abbreviation). In addition to theabbreviations defined in Customizing, the following symbols may appear:

            • An asterisk (*) indicates that there are several attendances or absences
            • on that day.
              • A question mark (?) indicates that no abbreviation exists in Customizing
              • for the corresponding attendance/absence type.
                • A slash (/) indicates that the employee is not active on this day.

                • Obtain detailed information on attendances/absences
                  In the multiple-employee view, select (by double-clicking) the abbreviat
                  ion of the attendance/absence on which you require more information.Alternatively, you can place your cursor on the day and choose Goto ->Day View.
                  The detail display appears. You can select the required data record togo to the infotype display.
                  To return to the multiple-employee view, exit the infotype record.