Attendance/Absence Data: Calendar View Use This report displays attendances and absence for each employee. Forexample, you can view an employee's leave and business trips for aspecific period. In addition, you can output statistics and a legend foreach employee. You can display the attendances and absences in two ways:
- In a calendar view
- In a list view. The list view is accessible.
Integration You can branch from the Attendance/Absences Data: Calendar View to theAttendances/Absences: Multiple-Employee View report (RPTABS60). Requirements
- Attendances/absences are indicated in the output list by their abbreviat
ion (attendance/absence category). These abbreviations must first be setup when you customize attendance and absence types.
- You can choose an alternative display period for the calendar view.
These periods, such as a two-weekly period, must be defined in theDefine Time Evaluation Period step in the Implementation Guide (IMG) forTime Evaluation. Periods must conform to the following requirements: They do not overlap They cover the whole person selection period without gaps They do not exceed 40 daysFeatures
- You can run the report to evaluate only attendances, only absences, or
individual attendance or absence types, for example. You specify whetheryou want to select attendances and absences according to theattendance/absence type> or theattendance/absence category>.
- You can also enter a payroll period instead of a time period.
- The calendar view can be set up for various display periods, such as
monthly or weekly. The period can only be specified using the selectionscreen.
- You can determine which organizational data is to be displayed in the
header of the list and whether the technical keys or text is also to bedisplayed.
- You can also display statistics of all selected attendance/absence
categories for each employee.
- From the output list, you can branch to the infotype that corresponds to
the attendance or absence.
- You can display an list that contains the employees whose data contains
errors. The list contains the personnel numbers of employees, the typeof error message, and the error text.Activity Select absences and attendances for evaluation> If you want to use the attendance/absence type to select the attendances /absences, select the attendance/absence type field and indicate whetheryou want to select attendances and absences. You can then restrict theevaluation to individual attendances/absences. If you want to use the attendance/absence category to select theattendances/absences, select the attendance/absence category field andrestrict the selection as required. Determine Display Period> For the calendar view, you can determine the periods used to divide upthe person selection period when the calendar view is created. Theperiod can only be specified using the selection screen. The list view shows all days specified by you in the data selectionperiod. You can restrict the output to the days which actually containthe required attendances/absences. Display Organizational Assignment> You can specify which organizational data you want to be displayed inthe header by selecting Display organizational assignment. The defaultsettings are Personnel area and Personnel subarea. A dialog box appearsfrom which you can choose additional data. This data is then displayedor printed in the header in the order specified. Select statistics> If you select a monthly or weekly period, statistics are printed for themonth. If you choose an alternative period, the statistics are generatedfor that period. Statistics cumulate the hours per month for a particular attendance orabsence category, for example, as well as the percentage ratio of thesehours to the employees planned hours. Attendance or absence recordsassigned to the previous day count for the period in which the previousday falls. Display legend> The calendar view includes a legend for the selected attendance/absencecategories (abbreviation + attendance or absence type). The informationis displayed on each page. Interpret the display Attendances/absences are displayed in the list by their attendance orabsence category (abbreviation). In addition to the abbreviationsdefined in Customizing, the following symbols may appear:
- A question mark (?) indicates that no abbreviation exists in Customizing
for the corresponding attendance/absence type.
- A slash (/) indicates that the employee is not active on this day.
- Only in the calendar view:
A "less than" symbol (<) indicates that one of the attendances/absencesof the following day is assigned to this day (previous day assignment). An asterisk (*) indicates that there are several attendances or absenceson that day. Public holidays are highlighted in red in the calendar. Obtain detailed information on attendances/absences> In the calendar display, double-click on the abbreviation or the rowcontaining the relevant attendance or absence. The relevant infotype record appears. To return to the calendar, exit the infotype record. If attendances and absences occur on one day (indicated by an asterisk),you can choose in a dialog the infotype record to which you want tobranch. Generate Multiple-Employee View> You can go directly to the multiple-employee view (RPTABS60 report) fromthe calendar view and the list view. Note: This function is not available if you have selected the calendar viewwith a weekly display period. You can display the multiple-employee view for the period on which yourcursor is placed.
- In the list view you can display the multiple-employee view by placing
the cursor on the relevant day in the list.
- In the calendar view you can display the multiple-employee view for the
period you selected on the initial screen. To do so, place your cursor iin the calendar on the label of the required period. If the cursor is at another position in the screen, the system displaysthe last selected period or the last month.