SAP Program RPTABS00 - Attendances/Absences for Each Employee

Attendances/Absences For Each Employee
This report creates an overview of the attendance and absences for eachindividual employee. The overview contains attendance/absence days andhours as well as the planned working days and hours.
You can run a report relating to individual attendance and absencetypes to list all employees who have taken training courses in thecurrent year, for example.
Absences with the information concerning validity of continued pay aredivided between paid and unpaid absences. The absence type is thendivided further by + (paid) or - (unpaid).
You can also select employees without attendances and absences
You can also just select employees who started working for theenterprise in the chosen period.
In the list, the personnel numbers, the attendance/absence days andhours are highlighted (in a different color)
You can send the list via e-mail
Determining Attendances/Absences to be Evaluated
To evaluate all attendance and absence types, leave the Attendancetypes and Absence types on the selection screen blank.
To limit the attendance/absence types, enter the appropriateattendances and absence types in the Attendance types and Absence typesfields in the selection screen. For example, to evaluation all of theabsences only, leave the Absence types screen blank and exclude allattendances by choosing multiple selection.
Selecting New Employees
To select new employees, enter the selection period in the
Additional entries section in the New employees in period field.
Selecting Employees without Attendances and Absences
To select employees without attendances and absences, choose the
ALL employees field in the Additional entries section. Foremployees without absences, only planned working time is displayed.
Using E-Mail
Choose List -> Save/Exit -> Office.
Enter a user name as the recipient.
Choose Document -> Send.
You want to see which employees in a certain organizational unit whoattended seminars in the current year.
Enter the selection screen for report RPTABS00.
Choose the current year as the selection period.
Use Additional selections to insert the Organizational unitfield by activating the checkbox on the selection screen and enter theorganizational unit you want to use.
In the additional entries section, enter Seminar as theAttendance types.
In the Absence types section, exclude all absence types by selectingmultiple selection.
Choose Execute.