SAP Program RPSVT1U0 - VETS : US Legal Compliance Report for VETS 100 and VETS 100A.

This program compiles the VETS-100 Report, which certain U.S.recipients of federal contracts and sub-contracts are required to fileannually with the U.S. Department of Labor. Separate VETS-100 Reportsare produced for each reporting unit.
This replaces the previous VETS-100 report (RPSVETU0) for the reportingyear 2002. The Department of Labor has modified the format and someother reporting requirements. Therefore, you must use this program tosubmit your 2002 VETS-100 report.
The changes to the format are:

  • A new column Newly Separated Veterans has been added.

  • The NAICS code has replaced the old SIC code.

  • You can still use the old report (RPSVETU0) to reprint results fromprevious years by using transaction sa38.

    In order for this application to report the correct statistics to theU.S. Department of Labor, you must first review and maintain settings ina number of tables in the Personnel Administration IMG. In order toaccess these tables, along with documentation of the configuration to beperformed, refer to the following Personnel Administration IMG chapter:
    Organizational Data
    ,,-> Organizational Assignment
    ,,,,-> Organizational Plan
    ,,,,,,-> Compliance Reports
    The configuration to be performed in this IMG chapter pertains both tothe VETS-100 Report and to the EEO-1 Report, which certain U.S.employers must file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.However, even if your enterprise is required to submit both the VETS-100and the EEO-1, you do not need to configure these IMG settings twice.
    In addition to these IMG steps, you must also maintain theAdditional Personal Data infotype (0077) for each employee to bereported. Within this infotype, employees must be classified inaccordance with the selections found under Veteran status.

    The following parameters influence the generation of the VETS-100Report:
    Detailed list
    In addition to standard selection criteria, the VETS-100 Report featuresthe Detailed list parameter. If you select this checkbox, adetailed list of employee names will be printed alongside the VETS-100Report.

    For the purposes of report submission, the output of this application isequivalent to the new VET1 form (introduced for reporting Year2002 employee data) issued by the Veterans Employment and TrainingService.
    For each reporting unit, the VETS-100 Report identifies thecorresponding contact information, North American Industry Classi
    fications (NAICS) code, and Dun and Bradstreet number. In compliancewith the reporting requirements established by the U.S. Department ofLabor, the numbers of Special Disabled Veterans and Vietnam-EraVeterans, both among employees and new hires, are tabulated in relationto the nine standard occupational categories established by the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission.
    In accordance with reporting guidelines, Special Disabled Veterans fromthe Vietnam era are counted twice: as Vietnam-Era Veterans and asSpecial Disabled Veterans. Within the detailed name list, any suchveterans will appear within both categories.
    In the Type of Display section, you can select PDF Form orHR Form for your output.

889378VETS-100 Report Errors for Hire Date
873064VETS: Assigning U.S. Job Attributes at Position Level
839452VETS-100:DUNS & Employer ID are formatted for Magnetic Media
772216Introduction of PDF form-based output for various reports.
709813VETS: Call to WS_DOWNLOAD replaced by Call to GUI_DOWNLOAD
653638VETS: Retirees appear as New Hires in VETS-100 report
569697VETS: New Company ID For VETS.
566256VETS-100 reporting error in Max No./Min No. columns.
560847VETS: VETS-100 download format problem.
558775VETS: 'Hiring Location' field incomplete.
551560VETS: Legal Changes for Year 2002.