Description This program compiles the VETS-100 Report>, which certain U.S.recipients of federal contracts and sub-contracts are required to fileannually with the U.S. Department of Labor. Separate VETS-100 Reportsare produced for each reporting unit.Requirements In order for this application to report the correct statistics to theU.S. Department of Labor, you must first review and maintain settingsin a number of tables in the Personnel Administration IMG. In order toaccess these tables, along with documentation of the configuration tobe performed, refer to the following Personnel Administration IMGchapter: Organizational Data> ,,-> Organizational Assignment> ,,,,-> Organizational Plan> ,,,,,,-> Compliance Reports> ,,,,,,,,-> EEO-1/VETS-100 Reporting> Note> The configuration to be performed in this IMG chapter pertains both tothe VETS-100 Report and to the EEO-1 Report, which certain U.S.employers must file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.However, even if your enterprise is required to submit both theVETS-100 and the EEO-1, you do not need to configure these IMG settingstwice. You must maintain the Additional Personal Data> infotype (0077)for each employee to be reported. Within this infotype, employees mustbe classified in accordance with the selections found under Veteranstatus>. You must maintain the Main Personnel Assignment> infotype (0712).This will enable proper reporting of head-count, since all thehead-count reports only consider the main contracts for a person.Examples
- An employee has three contracts (C1, C2, C3) with employer A. For
simplicity, assume C1 is the main contract. This is a single employerscenario. When reporting to the DOL, the VETS-100 report will reportthe employee only once. Here we report the main contract (that is, C1).
- An employee has three contracts (C1, C2, C3); contracts C1 & C2
with employer A and contract C3 with employer B. If you run theVETS-100 report for multiple companies, the employee is counted once ateach company. That means for employer A, contract C1 is counted onceand for employer B, contract C3 is counted once.Parameters The following parameters influence the generation of the VETS-100Report: Detailed list> In addition to standard selection criteria, the VETS-100 Reportfeatures the Detailed list> parameter. If you select thischeckbox, a detailed list of employee names will be printed alongsidethe VETS-100 Report.Output For the purposes of report submission, the output of this applicationis equivalent to the actual VETS-100 form issued by the VeteransEmployment and Training Service. For each reporting unit, the VETS-100Report identifies the corresponding contact information, StandardIndustrial Classification (SIC) code, and Dun and Bradstreet number. Incompliance with the reporting requirements established by the U.S.Department of Labor, the numbers of Special Disabled Veterans andVietnam-Era Veterans, both among employees and new hires, are tabulatedin relation to the nine standard occupational categories established bythe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Note In accordance with reporting guidelines, Special Disabled Veterans fromthe Vietnam era are counted twice -- both as Vietnam-Era Veterans andas Special Disabled Veterans. Within the detailed name list, any suchveterans will appear within both categories.