Purpose This program enables users to use the new SAP-HR functionalitiesdeveloped with ADP/GSI. It initiates the function "generalized access to services". Features The program is used to access a corresponding class of servicesdepending on the "user profile" selected. All the operations of the interface are grouped together according toservice class. A user profile must be selected initially. The use of the interface is confidential: users may only perform theservices that they are authorized to use. To each user profile corresponds rights and a domain of responsibility(the user has access to all PACs or to a single PAC.) The user may then select the services that he would like to use.
- The button 'Services menu"> grants access to the management of
- The button "TDE/DDE/TDR"> grants access to the management of
communications and enables the user to consult the information relatingto the transmission of data between SAP and ADP/GSI. It is also used torecover all processing awaiting return on the SAP server. Depending on his user profile, he is authorized to process all theservices classes or a list of classes.Output The program displays the user profiles likely to be selected and thelist of services to which they grant access. Prerequisites The user has already gained access to the management transaction for theinterface through a standard SAP The setting of the communication process between SAP and ADP must havebeen performed beforehand using the implementation guide.