Description Short period statistics - 'SCB - Kortperiodisk sysselsättningsstat." This report creates information about number of employees and employeeturnover during a certain month and also four groups of absenteeism fora specific date during this month. This report reads the return value ofFeature to DetermineTemporary Assignment Work Contract feature (23ANS)> to determine theemployment type. The possible options are Permanent or Temporaryemployment. This report is run a couple of times a year by companies selected bySCB. These companies get a form and information on how to fill out thisform from SCB. In this information is also stated what date SCB wantsthe information. You find the report within the payroll menu under subsequentactivities/other periods/reporting. Selection
- Period >- here you register the specific report day, as stated in
the information from SCB.
- Organization selections> - personnel number, personnel area or sub
area, employee group or employee sub group, payroll area ,,Organization number> (if you want a report for a specificorganization number and do not know ,,which empl ,,groups/subgroupsthat belong to this organization number, you can select this here - ,, possible to give a range ,,Summary of personnel areas> - Specify the feature name forgrouping together personnel sub ,,areas belonging to the same personnelarea. ,,Since the information in this report is given per ,,SCB workplace number (normally on personnel sub area level) this feature isprobably in most ,,cases not useful here.
- Report Data>
,,SAP Script Form> - default is the lay out form developed by SAP,but here you can use an ,,alternative form - ,,mandatory field ,,HR Form Link> - id for customizing data for the report - FORMLin view V_512_ES
- Other Parameters>:
,,Select the Create Text file> indicator, if you want the systemto generate the file in text format. If ,,you select this indicator, bydefault, the system saves the text file in the path C:\Test.txt.>The ,,system displays this path on the selection screen. ,,,,&NOTE& ,,,,,,In case, you execute the report in background, you have to changethe default path and give the ,,,,,,path of the user directory presenton the application server along with the file name. For example, ,,,,,, /tmp/background.txt>. ,,Select Create Temse file> indicator in case you want the systemto generate the report as a Temse ,,file.Precondition For the proper exection of this report you must customize table T512Eand view T512ES. The form to check or customize is the one you registerin the selection screen, HR Form Link>. You should also maintain the CFAR number in table view, V_T5S0P_ALL.Output Report per organization and SCB workplace number - new page when neworganization or workplace number. If you do not select the organization number, the report will select allemployees within the client. If you select the organization number, thesystem will match all employees against the registered org number. Report generates a form with the statistics details. If you select the 'Create Text file>' or 'Create TemSe file >' check box on the selection screen, then the report also generatesa file containing the statistics details in addition to the form.