Description Economic cycle statistics - 'SCB Konjunkturstatistik' This report givesstatistical information about agreed pay fixed pay, paid out non fixedpay, sickpay and number of employees for salaried and workers, and forworkers also information about agreed working time, time actuallyworked, overtime et cetera. Time period: one month = one payroll period The report is run once a month. To be able to get the right results,you send in the report 'a month late', i.e. the report for January isrun in February. The results for January, like overtime, sickness etcetera is then analyzed and ready - done in the payroll run forFebruary. The company gets a form from SCB, where you also find which day SCBwants the information. This report should be used as input to the formfrom SCB. You find the report under the Payroll menu, subsequent activities/ perpayroll period/reporting. Fields on the selection screen: a - Period data like today, current year, data selection period b - personnel number, personnel area/sub area, employee group/subgroup, payroll area c - 1 - organization number - if you want a report for a specific orgno and do not know which empl groups/sub groups that belong to thisorg no, you can select this here - possible to give a range 2 - feature name for grouping together personnel subareas belongingto the same personnel area. Since the information in this reportis given per SCB workplace number (normally on personnelsubarea level) this feature is probably in most cases not usefulhere d - 1 - SAP Script form - default is the lay out form developed bySAP, but here you can choose an alternative form - mandatory field-2 HR Form Link - id for customizing data for the report - FORML inview V_512_ES e - start retro period for salaried employees - should be used ifretroactive pay following a salary agreement has been paid outduring the period start retro period workers (see above) Precondition In order to run the report with a satisfying result, table T512E (viewT512ES) has to be properly customized. The form to check/customize isthe one you register in the selection screen, HR Form Link. Output Report per organization number and SCB workplace number - new page whennew org no or workplace no If no selection is done the report will select all employees in theclient. If org no is registered, only employees within these org noswill be selected. |