Description This report calculates the employee's average annual salary divided upaccording to cost centers or organizational units and employeeseniority. The evaluation occurs on a key date. The system suggests an evaluationon the last day of the current year. Specify which employees should beevaluated under Selection>. The following fields are available:
- Personnel number>
- Employment status>
The system suggests that all employees with the following employmentstatus are evaluated: 1 = Employee is in the company, but has leave of absence 2 = Employee is in the company, but is a pensioner 3 = Employee is active in the company
- Personnel area>
- Personnel subarea>
- Employee group>
- Employee subgroup>
- Payroll area>
Enter the data which forms the basis of the program underAdditional data>. The system defaults a few current values whichcan, however, be overwritten. The entries made in this frame arerelated to the following factors:
- Payments
- Seniority
- Organizational assignment
- Currency
The following fields are available when determining payments:
- Basic pay for one year:>
Key date for basic pay> Wage types for basic pay>
- For monthly wage earner:>
The system suggests the Period factor> 12.00>.
- For hourly wage earner:>
Hourly wage * basic pay diviso> In the standard system a selection is set here. For the Annualfactor f. monthly hrs> the system suggests 12.00>. For thehourly wage basic calculation you can also set the followingindicators: Hourly wage weekly hrs.> Hourly wage monthly hrs> Hourly wage annual hrs.> In this case, enter the corresponding factors: Annual factor f. weekly hrs> Annual factor f. monthly hrs> Annual factor f. annual hrs>
- Recurring paym./deductions:>
Period - recurr.paym./deds.> The system suggests the evaluation period 01.01.1998> until12.31.1998>. WTypes - recur.payments/deds>
- Once only payments:>
Period - once-only paym.> The system suggests the evaluation period 01.01.1998> until12.31.1998>. WTypes for once-only payment>
- Company insurance>
Paid only by employer> Company insurance period> The system suggests the evaluation period 01.01.1998> until12.31.1998>. Wage types for comp. insuran> You can calculate the seniority using the following fields:
- Seniority calc.acc to:>
Initial entry date> A default selection is set here. Company entry dat> Date type ex specifications> You store specifications for the evaluation of employee'sorganizational membership in the following fields:
- Organizational assignment:>
You can use cost centers or organizational units as a basis forcalculation as long as the application components PersonnelManagement> and Organizational Management> are integrated. Schedule from PD> Set this indicator if you want to look at the distribution of annualsalaries in the organizational units. Cost centers> The default value in the field Currency> is DEM>. For more information on Further selections>, Matchcodes> and Multiple Selection> read the Report Selection Screen>or The Multiple Selection Function on the Report Selection Screen > in the R/3 library under HR Human Resources -> PA PersonnelManagement -> PA Personnel Administration -> Master Data and Reporting-> The Report Selection Screen in the HR Management System -> ReportSelection Screeen> or The Multiple Selection Function on theReport Selection Screen>.Output The report results can be displayed in two ways: as consecutive lists,or as charts.
- Lists
The lists show the average annual salaries for every cost center ororganizational unit. Annual salaries are displayed and dividedaccording to seniority within the individual lists. Each list shows theentire expenditure on salaries in the evaluation period underSalary amount>. The average salary is formed from this amount andis displayed for every employee as well as the number of evaluatedemployees.
- Charts
If you use charts you can compare the results for cost centers and fororganizational units. In the list format you can access the charts by selecting the menu pathFunction -> Chart>, which takes you to the Graphical editingof salary data>. This screen displays a selection list. To set theappropriate settings in the corresponding lines select Edit ->Choose>. Finally press the graphic> button. The SAPBusiness Graphics> screen is displayed. You see a two and a threedimensional chart in this screen. You can deactivate a chart byselecting: Goto -> 3D view> Goto -> 2D view> You return from the SAP Business Graphic> by selecting Goto-> Overview>.Note The following infotypes are taken into account in the evaluation:
- Basic Pay> (0008) infotype
- Company Insurance> (0026) infotype
- Additional Payments> (0015) infotype
- Recur. Payments/Deds> (0014)
The evaluation occurs in relation to key dates, since the dates ofpayments are not standardised. For hourly wages you can differentiate whether the annual value shouldbe determined from the hourly wage multiplied by the divisor basicremuneration, or whether the values for weekly, monthly, or annualhours should be used; these values are stored in the PlannedWorking Time> infotype. For all calculation types a factor isrequired; this is determined from the product comparable annualsalaries. NOTE: It is important to be aware whether a thirteenthmonth's salary or holiday pay should be taken into account through amultiplication or by reading the corresponding infotypes. The salary for part time workers is projected as if it were a full timeannual salary; this is based on the capacity utilization level enteredin the Basic Pay> infotype (0008) and is done so that you obtaina comparable basis in relation to full time workers. Caution is advised when interpreting the annual salary values as theydo not reflect the employee's real value, but a projected value on akey date in a year. The default currency is determined according to the MOL> userparameter.