SAP Program RPSRFVS0 - Sickness pay statistics to SCB


RFV Sickness statistics.
Program creates a report file for the monthly sickness report to SCB.
The report can be created for all organization numbers in the R3 client
or only for those selected on the selection screen.
If a feature to group personnel areas/subareas is used, the name of
this feature must be specified on the selection screen.

Entries in table T512E must specify which absence types that are used
for sickness and which absence valuation rules that are used for the
qualifying day (the unpaid first day of a sickness period) and the
period with employer payment.

ALV Display is created with the following information:

  • Supplementary information from SCB

  • Organization number for company

  • Person ID number

  • Sick period begin date

  • Sick period end date

  • Number of full sick days

  • Number of part sick days

  • Code showing new/correction

  • When you choose Back icon, a report file is created and written to aTemSe object.
    It can then be downloaded to a PC- or Application server- file
    using program RPSDWLS0.