Description Program RPSOSHU2 creates the OSHA-101 Supplementary Record for Injuriesand Illnesses by compiling illness and accident information fromInfotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data). Parameters> To ensure maximum adaptability to a wide range of systemconfigurations, this program can be customized by maintaining: visible parameters the text elements that serve as the defaults for hidden parameters Both types of parameters influence the generation of the report. Visible parameters> Subtypes for Infotype 0082> Your entries here determine which subtypes of Infotype 0082 will betaken into consideration to compile the OSHA-101. The default range forthis parameter is 1001 (Occupational illness) to 1002 (Occupationalaccident). Case Number> This parameter enables you to use workers' compensation case numbers orinternal file numbers as selection criteria to print individual OSHArecords.Hidden parameters> Address Identifier in T536A (PA_ANART)> This parameter specifies the key that is used to read the address forpersonnel areas and subareas from table T536A. The default text elementfor this parameter is PA1=/U. Location is Personnel Subarea (PA_BTRTL)> If your installation differentiates work locations by personnel areainstead of personnel subarea, then you must modify this parameter. Thedefault text element for the parameter is PAC=X, indicating that thework location is the personnel subarea. Form in T512P/Q (PA_FORML)> This parameter specifies which form definition in tables T512P andT512Q will be used to print the OSHA-101. The default text element forthis parameter is PAD=O101.Hidden parameters for event classification> The following parameters are used to classify events and theircharacteristics. For example, PA_DOCTR is a string that contains theevent classifier for the physician's name that is stored in thevariable data elements. In installations where codes are modified orextended, the default strings in the text elements of this report mustalso be changed accordingly. Event Identifier for Accident on Premises (PA_PREMI)> This string contains the event identifier that is used to indicatewhether the accident took place on the employer's premises. The defaulttext element for this string is PA3=11. Event Identifier for Object Causing the Injury/Illness(PA_OBJEC)> This string contains the event identifier that is used to indicate theobject or substance that caused the illness or injury. The default textelement for this string is PA6=02. Event Identifier for Death (PA_DEATH)> This string contains the event identifier that is used to indicate thata death has occurred due to an illness or injury. The default textelement for this string is PA7=10. Event Identifier for Physician's Name (PA_DOCNM)> This string contains the event identifier that is used to indicate thename of the physician who is treating the employee. The default textelement for this string is PA8=05. Event Identifier for Hospital's Name (PA_HOSNM)> This string contains the event identifier that is used to indicate thename of the hospital that is treating the employee. The default textelement for this string is PAA=06. Note> Certain narrative information about illness and injury is stored in thetext elements of Infotype 0082. The various sections of these textelements are partitioned by certain strings. Sections start with anentry containing "*$*$" as the first four characters. These sectionsare identified by strings, such as "Text1" for "Place of accident" inthe standard system. However, these identifiers also function asparameters. Consequently, they can be modified by changing thecorresponding text elements. Place of accident (PA_PLACE)> Identifies the text for item 10 on the OSHA-101. The default text element for this string is PA2=Text1. What was employee doing when injured (PA_ACTIV)> Identifies the text for item 12 on the OSHA-101. The default text element for this string is PA4=Text2. How did the accident occur (PA_ADESC)> Identifies the text for item 13 on the OSHA-101. The default text element for this string is PA5=Text3. Physician's address (PA_DOCAD)> Identifies the text for item 18 on the OSHA-101. The default text element for this string is PA9=Text4. Hospital's address (PA_HSPAD)> Identifies the text for item 19 on the OSHA-101. The default text element for this string is PAB=Text5.Output The output of this program approximates the actual OSHA-101Supplementary Record of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses form. Ifthe descriptions of what the employee was doing or how the accidenthappened exceed the space allocated on the form, then a second pagedisplaying the additional information will be printed. |