Description This report creates a list which displays employee's nationalities. The evaluation occurs on a key date. The system suggests an evaluationfor today's date. You determine the employees that should be evaluated underSelection>. The following fields are available:
- Personnel number>
- Employment status>
The system suggests that all employees with the following employmentstatus are evaluated: 1 = Employee is in the company but has leave of absence 2 = Employee is in the company but is a pensioner 3 = Employee is active in the company
- Personnel area>
- Personnel subarea>
- Employee group>
- Employee subgroup>
You can further delimit the evaluation under Additional data>.
- Nationality>
You can limit the evaluation to user defined nationalities by making anentry in these fields. It is possible to run an evaluation of employees according to their payscale membership - the following fields are available:
- Pay scale area>
- Pay scale type>
- Pay scale group>
- Pay scale level>
You determine which state is considered as the domestic state for theevaluation by making an entry in the field Domestic>.Nationalities that differ from the specified state are consideredForeign nationalities> in the results list. The system suggests that the you run the evaluation for both genders. If you set the indicator Display EU members separately> thesystem determines the number of employees who belong to the EU. For more information on Further selections >, Matchcodes>, and Multiple Selection> read the Report Selection Screen>or The Complex Selections Function on the Report Selection Screen > in the R/3 library under HR Human Resources -> PA PersonnelManagement -> PA Personnel Administration -> Procedures in PersonnelAdministration -> Master Data and Reporting -> The Report SelectionScreen in the HR Management System -> Report Selection Screen> orThe Complex Selection Function on the Report Selection Screen>.Output The evaluation creates three lists which are displayed successively: Nationality> This list displays the different nationalities and assigns the numberof male and female employees and their relative percentages to anationality, so long as a generic search was specified. The last columnsummarizes the evaluation generically. Foreign nationals are displayed in the output list if you made an entryin the field Domestic>. The evaluation list displays the EU members> and the Non-EUmembers> if you have set the indicator Display EU membersseparately>. The evaluation RPSNAT00 includes> This list details how many employees the system has taken into accountfor the evaluation. Error messages> This list details the personnel numbers which have not been taken intoaccount for the evaluation. For every personnel number that isdisplayed, there is an error text which informs you why the personnelnumber could not be evaluated.Dependencies If an employee is not assigned a nationality in the Personal Data > infotype which is valid for the key date, then the attributeUndefined> is assigned to the employee. In addition the employeeis evaluated as belonging to the group Non-EU members>. Theemployee is listed under the attribute Undefined> in the listNationalities>.Note The Domestic> parameter is derived from the user parameter MOL(personnel country specific grouping).