Purpose This report enables you to select employees who have been sick for thespecified minimum number of days or more. Integration The sickness report reads data from the Absences >infotype (2001).Absence types to be considered are taken from customizing table T512E,which is by default set to 0410 >and 0411>.Prerequisites
- Run the corrected absence report RPIABSS0_NEW before running the
Report of Sick people to the Swedish Social Insurance Office>report.
- The clerk running this report should have authorization to the employee
absences information for the entire company, in order to handle anemployee moving from one legal entity to another legal entity during thesickness period.Features
- The report allows you to choose the Form >for the absence types to
be considered.
- The report allows you to choose the Feature >for assigning the
values of Personnel area> and subarea>.
- The period of the report is by default set to a period covering the last
seven days. You also have the option to change the period.
- The period of the report must lie within a financial year, and not
overlap across two financial years.
- The report displays the last date for which the employee receives a
Sick Pay> from the employer, only when the sickness periodcontains intermediate working days.
- The report selects an employee if he or she has:
A sickness absence record in the selected period The First day the employee gets paid from Krankenkass> in theselected periodSelection
- Sickness days for selection period >
Specify the minimum number or more of sickness days, based on which thereport identifies the employees to be reported to the SocialInsurance> agency.
- Organization selection>
You can also select employees based on Organization Number>.Output The report output is in the form of List >using an ALV grid. The list displays the following information:
- Organization number>
- Personnel number>
- Personnel ID number>
- First Day Of The Sick Period>
- Last day on which the employee receives a sickness pay from the employer
- First day that the employee receives a sickness pay from
- SCBWP number>
- CFARN number>
Note: The Organization number> of an employee is based on theFirst day the employee gets paid from Krankenkasse>.Activities
- On the SAP Easy Access> screen, choose Human Resources> ->
Payroll >-> Europe >-> Sweden >-> Subsequentactivities> -> Other periods> -> Reporting >-> Reportof Sick people to the Swedish Social Insurance Office>.
- Enter the relevant selection information.
- To execute the report, choose Program >-> Execute>.
Example An employee has a sickness absence record from 16/03/2005 to 08/04/2005with subtype 410 >of Absences >infotype (2001). On01/04/2005 the employee moves from organization number 1111111111 to2222222222. The report is run for a selection period from 23/03/2005 to03/04/2005. The output displays: Day 1> - 16/03/2005 Day 14> - Blank Day 15> - 30/03/2005 Organization number> - 1111111111