Title Initiation of the payroll and exportation of the data Purpose This program is used to initialize the settings of the selection screens for the following screens:
- the payroll calculator (RPCALCF0)
- the export program (RPIF00FI).
It is then used to connect the execution of 2 programmes.Prerequisites All the data necessary for the payroll processing must be available. Features The program opens a dialog window which displays the payroll areas withthe status 'Validated for the payroll' > so that payroll areas tobe processed can be selected. The program initiates the payroll (RPCALCFO) using the export payrollschema. The payroll results are stored in table GRT. The program then exports the data from the GRT towards an export filegenerated by the toolbox in the interface (PU12). The export isperformed in the interface format.Activities Select the payroll areas to be processed. Note: you now have the opportunity to process a single payroll area withno effect on the payroll status of the other payroll areas of the samePAC.