Title Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Report for the U.S. Public Sector Description The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Report for the U.S. PublicSector> enables you to generate the EEO-4 and the EEO-5; two formsthat certain U.S. public sector employers must file with the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission. On the basis of reporting period andpersonnel selection criteria, the EEO Report compiles employee data tocompute the statistics that must be reported to the EEOC on the selectedform.Precondition Before you run the EEO Report, you must ensure that all relevant EEOdata has been maintained for the selected range of employees. If anemployee has not been assigned an ethnicity, a gender and a jobcategory, then the EEO Report will not process that employee.
- To assign an ethnicity to an employee, maintain the Ethnic origin>
field for that employee in the Additional Personal Data> infotype(0077).
- To assign a gender, select the appropriate radio button in the
Personal Data> infotype (0002).
- To assign a job category, maintain the Job key> field in the
Organizational Assignment> infotype (0001). In addition to EEO data, you must maintain the salary and hire date forany full-time employees found within your selection.Activities Upon ensuring that all necessary EEO data has been maintained, you willbe ready to execute the report. Before doing so, make the followingselections on the main report screen. Select the Other period> radio button to specify the EEO reportingperiod, then complete the start and end dates in the Other period>and Person selection period> fields. The default entries for these periods are July 1 of the previous year toJune 30 of the survey year, which corresponds to the EEO-4 reportingperiod established by the EEOC. If you wish to submit the EEO-4 for thecurrent year, then do not change these default dates. If you wish to submit the EEO-5, then change both start dates to July 1and both end dates to September 30. For the EEO-5, all four dates mustlie within the survey year. Although the start and end dates of each period are identical, bothdates must be entered in both sets of fields. Now, specify the set of employees for which the report should begenerated. To this end, specify the desired ranges in the Personnel number>,Employment status>, Company code> and Personnel area>fields. Select the EEO-4> or EEO-5> radio button, depending on theform you wish to generate. Specify the Report unit ID number> in the appropriate field. Thisis the identification number assigned by the EEOC or IPEDS toorganizations that are subject to EEOC filing requirements. To maintain permissible values for this field, select the following HRPublic Sector USA IMG path: EEO Compliance Reports> -> Define EEOReporting Units> Specify the Address type & rule 1> field entries that correspondto the address of your jurisdiction. If the address of the contactperson differs from the address of your jurisdiction, then specify theaddress of the contact person in the Address type & rule 2>fields. To maintain the values for these fields, select the following HR PublicSector USA IMG path: EEO Compliance Reports> -> Define EEOReporting Unit addresses> Enter the County name. Enter the title of the certifying official, the name of the contactperson, and the contact person's email address in the correspondingfields. For EEO-4 reporting, the contact person and the certifyingofficial may not be the same person. For EEO-5 reporting, the certifyingofficial and the contact person must be the same person. Select the Type of Government from the drop-down list. If "Other" ischosen, provide a description. For EEO-4 reporting, enter the appropriate function numbers, dependingupon the size of your jurisdiction. For jurisdictions with 1,000 employees or more, enter the number andname of each function to be reported. For example, if your jurisdictionperforms function 4, then enter FUNCTION 04: Police Protection>. For jurisdictions with fewer than 1,000 employees, enter the number ofeach function to be reported, separated with blank spaces, rather thancommas. For example, if your jurisdiction performs functions 1, 2, 3,and 13, then enter FUNCTIONS: 1 2 3 13>. For jurisdictions with fewer than 1,000 employees in which certainfunctions employ 100 people or more, enter the numbers assigned to thosefunctions as described under a)>. For functions employing fewerthan 100 people, enter function numbers as described under b) >. Select Execute> to run the EEO Report.Output The output of this report complies with the format mandated by the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission for computer-printed EEO-4 and EEO-5Reports. You have two output options:
- PDF Form
- Smart Form
Example Sample selection screen field entries for the 2004 EEO-4 Report are asfollows: Other period>,,,,,,,,07/01/2003 To> 06/30/2004 Person selection period>,,,,07/01/2003 To> 06/30/2004 Report unit ID number>,,,,000000001 Address type & rule 1>,,,,/A EEO40001