Title EEO-1 (Equal Employment Opportunity) Report USA Description This program compiles the EEO-1 Report>, which certain U.S.employers are required to file on an annual basis with the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission. Separate EEO-1 Reports are producedfor each reporting unit.Requirements In order for this application to report the correct statistics to theEqual Employment Opportunity Commission, you must first review andmaintain settings in a number of tables in the Personnel AdministrationIMG. In order to access these tables, along with documentation of theconfiguration to be performed, refer to the following PersonnelAdministration IMG chapter: Organizational Data> ,,-> Organizational Assignment> ,,,,-> Organizational Plan> ,,,,,,-> Compliance Reports>> Note> The configuration to be performed in this IMG chapter pertains both tothe EEO-1 Report and to the VETS-100 Report, which certain U.S.employers must file with the U.S. Department of Labor. However, even ifyour enterprise is required to submit both the EEO-1 and the VETS-100,you do not need to configure these IMG settings twice. In addition to these IMG steps, you must also maintain Infotype 0077 -Additional Personal Data> - for each employee to be reported.Within this infotype, employees must be classified in accordance withthe selections found under Ethnic origin>.Parameters In addition to standard selection criteria, the following parametersinfluence the generation of the EEO-1 Report:
- Previous period>
Specifies the period from which previously reported figures are read.
- Current period>
Specifies the period from which the indicators for Sections C and E ofthe EEO-1 Report are read. If you elect to write the results of theEEO-1 Report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Record (describedbelow), then these results will be assigned to the current period.
- Special report type>
If you select this checkbox, then the heading of the EEO-1 Report willbe changed to read Special Report>. The report type, specified inSection A, will be 5>.
- Write results in EEO Record?>
If you select this checkbox, the results for each reporting unit in thecurrent period will be written in the Equal Employment OpportunityRecord. The EEO-1 Report uses this internal table to access (a)previously reported results, (b) settings for the current report, and(c) fields into which the current results can be written. Running the report> If the indicators for Sections C and E have not changed in the currentperiod, then it is not necessary to create new records for eachreporting unit; the EEO-1 Report will read the indicators from theprevious period. However, if these indicators have changed, a new recordwith the correct settings must be manually created for the currentperiod.Output For the purposes of report submission, the output of this application isequivalent to the actual EEO-1 form issued by the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission. However, Section G (Certification>) isomitted, because multi-establishment employers are required to file thecertified consolidated report on the original EEO-1 form. In the section Type of Display>, you can select the PDF or the HRFORM format.