Title EEO: U.S. Legal Compliance Report for EEO-1.
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The current version of this report has been updated to comply with allregulations that have been established for EEO-1 Reporting in 2007.Description This application compiles the EEO-1 Report, which certain U.S. employersare required to file on an annual basis with the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission. Requirements In order for this application to report the correct statistics to theEqual Employment Opportunity Commission, you must first review andmaintain settings in a number of tables. In Customizing forPersonnel Administration> (PA-PA), access these tables, along withdocumentation describing the configuration to be performed, by choosingOrganizational Data> -> Organizational Assignment> ->Organizational Plan > -> Compliance Reports>.
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The configuration to be performed here pertains both to the EEO-1 Reportand to the VETS-100 Report, which certain U.S. employers must file withthe U.S. Department of Labor. However, even if your enterprise isrequired to submit both the EEO-1 and the VETS-100, you do not need toconfigure these settings twice. In addition to the configuration named above, you must also maintain theAdditional Personal Data> infotype (0077) for each employee to bereported. Within this infotype, employees must be classified inaccordance with selections in the Ethnicity> field and racecategories within the Race Data> subscreen. Ethincity> fieldhas values Hispanic/Latino> and Not Hispanic/Latino>.Race Data> has the following values, American Indian orAlaskan Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian orOther Pacific Islander, White >and Two or More Races>. TheTwo or More Races> category is a recent addition to the IT0077> screen which facilitates the user to select this, if theemployee belongs to Two or More Races and does not want to disclose hisindividual race categories. An employee who belongs to two races or moreand is ready to disclose his race categories need not enter the "Two orMore Races" category as he will be reported under this category if hehas entered the individual races that he belongs to.Parameters In addition to standard selection criteria, the following parametersinfluence the generation of the EEO-1 Report: Previous period> Specifies the period from which previously reported figures are read. Current period> Specifies the period from which the indicators for Sections C and E ofthe EEO-1 Report are read. If you elect to write the results of theEEO-1 Report to the Equal Employment Opportunity Record (describedbelow), then these results will be assigned to the current period. Special Report> Select this checkbox to change the report type to Special Report>.In response, the system will record status code 5> - correspondingto Special Report> - in any resultant data file(s) or attendantcertification form(s). Write results in EEO Record?> Select this checkbox to write the results for each reporting unit in thecurrent period in the Equal Employment Opportunity Record. The EEO-1Report uses this internal table to access previously reported results,settings for the current report, and fields into which the currentresults can be written. Contact Person> In the Contact Person> subscreen, record all applicableinformation for the EEO contact person in your company. Informationentered in these fields is subsequently included in the data filecertification form. Running the report> If the indicators for Sections C and E have not changed in the currentperiod, then it is not necessary to create new records for eachreporting unit; the EEO-1 Report will read the indicators from theprevious period. However, if these indicators have changed, a new recordwith the correct settings must be manually created for the currentperiod.Output For the purposes of report submission, the output of this applicationconsists of two parts. Since the EEOC accepts EEO-1 submissions inMagnetic Media format, the report will generate a magnetic media file inthe location specified on the report selection screen in the Mag.Media download file path:> field. Moreover, the report will print apaper version of the data file certification form. Employers arerequired to include this printed form with any EEO-1 Magnetic Mediasubmissions made to the EEOC.