SAP Program RPSADTS0 - Sickness Administration Tool Report for Sweden

This report automates the sickness administration process.
You can use this report to determine the following for a selectedperiod:

  • Employees who should receive the Written Assurance form. For this
  • purpose, the report:
    Reads the Absences infotype (2001) for an employee whose firstday of sickness absence lies in the selected period.
    Checks if the End Date of the employee's sickness absence record is31/12/9999.
    RESET N1
    • Employees who should submit a Medical Certificate. For this
    • purpose, the report:
      Reads Absences infotype (2001) to check if the eighth sicknessday of an employee's absence lies in the selected period.
      Reads the record maintained for this sickness absence in subtypeSADT of Additional Abs. Data infotype (0082) and selectsthe employee if he or she has not submitted a Medical Certificate
      Note: In case the employee's sickness absence End Date is later than theEnd Date of the selected period, the report checks if the employee hassubmitted a Medical Certificate. The validity of the MedicalCertificate must be until the End Date of the selected period.
      • Employees who have not acknowledged the Written Assurance form.
      • For this purpose, the report:
        Reads Absences infotype (2001) to check if the End Date of theemployee's sickness absence record is 31/12/9999. It also checks if thespecified Sickness days is in the selected period.


        • Enter the period for which you want to run the report.

        • Select the employee(s) for whom you want to run the report.

        • Enter the employer's address in the Sender's Address.

        • Select the option for which you want the list of employees from the
        • Output Options.

          The report displays the following information for the selectedemployees:

          • Start and End Date of sickness absence

          • Number of sickness absence days, if the option selected is Medical
          • Certificate not submitted
            You can choose the Print Form option, in the following cases:
            • Form to be given to Employee

            • The report prints the Written Assurance form, which the employeehas to acknowledge and send back to the employer.
              When you print the form for an employee, the system sets the Yesindicator, in the Additional Abs. Data infotype (0082) subtypeSADT (Event Indicator 02: Form Printed).
              Now, since the form is already printed for an employee's sicknessabsence record, the report skips that record during subsequentexecutions. However, if you set the Reprint the form option, thereport reads those records and generates the data again.
              • Medical Certificate not submitted

              • The report prints an Information form, which requests theemployees to submit a Medical Certificate for the sicknessabsence.
                When employee submits a medical certificate for a sickness absence,enter the dates mentioned into the record maintained for that sicknessabsence in Additional Abs. Data infotype (0082) subtype SADT(Event Indicator 01: Medical Certificate)
                The report prints these forms in PDF format.

                On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Sweden -> Subsequentactivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->Sickness Administration Tool Report.
                Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                To execute this report, select Program -> Execute.