Description This report compiles statistics of personnel events that have takenplace over a period of time. For each event, the number of employees whohave experienced the event is given in terms of gender and ethnicorigin. The report delivers details and summaries for variousorganizational entities such as company, plant, plant section andsmaller organizational units. Optionally, a detailed list withemployees' names and job information can be generated. Note:> In this report, events are attributed only> to the organizationalentity at which they occur. For example: An employee who changes fromplant A to plant B will register as an organizational change in plant Bonly. This will have to be taken into consideration if the results fromthis report are compared to the results from report RPSAAPU1 (TurnoverAnalysis). In RPSAAPU1, the change in plants from plant A to plant Bwould register as a 'Transfer Out' for plant A and a 'Transfer In' forplant 'B'.Precondition
- If table T505R (codes for ethnic origin) is modified or extended to
allow additional ethnic categories to be entered in the AdditionalPersonal Data> infotype (0077), you must modify the feature EEOCL > (transaction PE03) to reflect these changes. The feature EEOCLyields the employee category, based on ethnic origin and gender.
- You must maintain the Main personnel assignment> infotype (0712)
to identify the main contract. This will enable proper reporting ofhead-count as all the head-count reports will add up only the maincontracts for a person.Concurrent Employment Scenarios An employee can have multiple contracts (also called personnelassignments) with an employer or with several employers (employer heremeans different companies under the same master company). In all reportswhich report the head count, an employee is counted only once peremployer.
- An employee has three contracts (C1, C2, C3) at employer A. C1 is the
main contract. This is a single employer scenario. The AAP report(movement analysis) will report the employee only once. Here we reportthe main contract (C1).
- An employee has three contracts (C1, C2, C3) with contracts C1& C2
at employer A and contract C3 at employer B. If you run the AAP reportfor multiple companies, the employee is counted once at each company.That means for employer A, contract C1 is counted once and for employerB, contract C3 is counted once.Output The following Parameters and Select-Options influence the output of thereport: Select-Options:>
- Events: (SO_MASSN) Lets the users select which events should be
included into the statistic. Parameters:> (Checkboxes)
- Print Name List: (PA_NLIST) Lets users select whether a detailed
list with employees per event should be printed after thestatistic.
- Show Level 'Org.Unit': (PA_ORGEH) By default, the resulting list
is broken down to the level of plant sections. Checking thisparameter will display a more detailed list by org. unitper plant section.
- Statistic Only By Org. Unit: (PA_OONLY) Checking this parameter will
cause the report to accumulate the statistic by org. unitsonly. Other levels of control such as company or plant willnot be displayed. This will allow analysis of org. unitsthat span more than one plant section.
- Summary After Each Org. Level: (PA_SUMRY) Checking this parameter
will cause the numbers for each level of control to besummed and printed out after the preceeding level.&PURPOSE&