Title Upload Travel Expense Per Diems from File Use This upload enables you to import into the SAP system travel expense perdiems that reflect current statutory changes as provided by SAP AG onSAP Service Marketplace. SAP AG cannot accept any responsibility for errors or omissions in thedata. Customers are responsible for processing and maintainingenterprise-specific data. Customers can import the per diems, supplied as files, into test clientsin their SAP system (or test system) themselves. This must be doneseparately for each table (such as T706O for trip areas) and tripprovision variant (such as 23 for Sweden) as required. If change recording is active, the table changes are written to aCustomizing request. The request can then be tested and imported intothe production system. Country-specific report variants that propose the selection criteriarecommended to you by SAP have been created for the countries listedbelow. Select the appropriate report variant for your country andmodify the parameters based on your Customizing settings. Prerequisites You have downloaded the appropriate files from SAP Service Marketplaceand saved them as a file on your local computer (for example,A:\T706O.TXT). You can find the current files on SAP Service Marketplace athttp://service.sap.com/tm-downloads. To go directly to the download files for a specific country, enter theappropriate URL as indicated below: Germany:,,,,http://service.sap.com/TM-DE Austria:,,,,http://service.sap.com/TM-AT Denmark:,,,,http://service.sap.com/TM-DK Sweden:,,,,http://service.sap.com/TM-SE Norway:,,,,http://service.sap.com/TM-NO Portugal:,,,,http://service.sap.com/TM-PT You can also generate a file from your own system with your trip areasor meals and accommodation per diems using the reportRPR_CREATE_PER_DIEMS_FILE. You can also use this report to create abackup of your data and then import the file into any other system usingreport RPR_UPDATE_PER_DIEMS_FROM_FILE. Selection Select Table:> Select the required table by setting the appropriate radio button. It isthen possible to change the data. You can import the following travel expense tables: 1) Trip areas (table T706O) 2) Accommodations per diems (table T706U) 3) Meals per diems by hours (table T706V) 4) Meals per diems by time (table T706H) Checkbox "Simulation - No Database Changes":> If this field is selected (default setting), the upload will besimulated. This means that no data will actually be written to thedatabase. It is recommended that you always use this option for thefirst program run, and that you only execute an update run when allerrors in the log have been eliminated. Checkbox "Also Display Unchanged Values in Log":> This option enables you to decide whether all entries that exist in thefile should be displayed as lines in the log (status: unchanged), orwhether you only want to see those lines that need to be changed. "Options Used to Read Data from File":> The trip provision variants as entered in the file are always required.For the files supplied by SAP, this value is always the country groupingfrom HR (such as 01 for Germany or 02 for Switzerland). If you select Other Selections, additional selection criteriaappropriate to the selected table appear. These criteria are only neededif you do not want to upload all entries in the file (for example, ifyou only want texts in a certain language or per diems only forparticular countries) or if you only want to change individual keyvalues (see below).
- Special options for >trip areas>
Language key:> You can upload all languages in the file or only specific languages(such as DE for German and EN for English). It is possible to change entries and descriptions when you upload tripareas, depending on the options selected. However, it is not possible todelete data that is not in the file. This is because the key fields fortrip areas (ISO codes) can change due to statutory requirements, and SAPalways uses the most up-to-date ISO codes in Customizing. For example,there is no longer an entry for the trip area ZR (Zaire) in the standardSAP Customizing because it has been replaced by CD (Congo).
- Special options for >meals per diems by hours>
Number of days> Number of hours >(e.g. 24 = complete day) This option is relevant only for Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Austria.If you enter 24 as the number of hours, you can use report RPR706VC todistribute the per diems by hours based on the calculation formula. Youmake the settings for scaling by hours in Customizing for TravelManagement under Travel Expenses -> Trip Reimbursement Amounts -> ReimbursementAmounts for Meals -> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals/Hours -> Per Diemsfor Meals (MPD)>.
- Special options for >meals per diems by time>
Number of Days> Start Time> End Time> This option is only relevant for Sweden. If you enter 99 as the numberof days, you can use report RPR706HC to distribute the per diems by timebased on the calculation formula. You make the settings for scaling byhours in Customizing for Travel Management under Travel Expenses -> Trip Reimbursement Amounts -> ReimbursementAmounts for Meals -> Reimbursement Amounts for Meals/Time -> Per Diemsfor Meals/Time (MPDT)>. Important note on entering options:> If you leave an option blank, all data records containing that optionwill be selected. Examples> 1) Trip Country / Country Group = blank Result: All countries in table T706O are selected. 2) Trip Country / Country Group = AD Result: Only the country AD (Andorra) is selected. 3) Trip Country / Country Group = AD to AF Result: All countries from AD to AF are selected. Caution> An upload reads only the data records with a validity end date of12/31/9999. Only records with that validity end date will be changed inthe database. If you want to enter legal changes that are valid fordifferent time periods, such as 12/01/1999 and 01/01/2000, you need toupload two different files with the appropriate changes one after theother in the correct chronological order. These files are stored on SAPService Marketplace individually. "Options Used to Save Data to Database":> The required entries here are always the trip provision variant and thekey used for it in your system (such as DE rather than 01). Thisenables you to copy the data from the file to another trip provisionvariant. If you want to change other key fields, you need to select Change KeyValues. When you select this option, additional selection fields for individualkey values are displayed. As soon as you select a field, an entry fieldappears and you can enter a value. The block with the options for reading the file contains the parametersof the standard SAP Customizing settings. For example, Trip Type:Statutory is blank for the German trip provision variant. If a differentkey for the German trip provision variant is defined in Customizing, youcan convert these parameters using the options for saving entries to thedatabase. This enables you to copy key fields. Example The SAP standard Customizing is set up such that the field Trip Type:Statutory is blank whereas the customer system has trip type R =Business Trip: "Options Used to Read Data from File": Trip Type: Statutory: blank (empty field) "Options Used to Save Data to Database": "Change Key Values" active "Change Trip Type Statutory" active, value = R This converts the entry "blank" in standard Customizing to an "R" in thecustomer's Customizing. This function is particularly relevant for customers that implementedTravel Expense Management before SAP Release 4.5. A number of key fieldswere changed in the standard Customizing for Release 4.5 (for example,Trip Type: Statutory was changed from "R" to blank and Trip Type:Enterprise from 0 to blank, RGrp M/A Statutory from 0 to blank, and RGrpM/A Enterprise from 00 to blank). For customers that implemented TravelExpense Management before these changes were made it is now possible touse the same data by changing the corresponding key values. The variantswith addition "In addition, the standard system only provides anenterprise-specific trip type> "blank" for all trip provisionvariants. If customers have created their own enterprise-specific triptypes, they can use this report to copy data such as tax-exempt amountsto all enterprise-specific trip types. Caution:> If you want to change key values, it is important to ensure that onlythe data for one individual key value is read by making the appropriatesettings for the parameter in the block Options Used to Read Data fromFile. For example, if the file contains entries for trip types A and B,and you want to copy trip type B to C, you should only select trip typeB. If you accidentally select A and B (such as because you did not entera selection option), the table key will no longer be unique, which willlead to errors. To prevent this from happening, the program restrictsthe selection to an individual value.Standard Variants The standard system contains report variants for more than one country. Activities Select the country-specific report variant from the report menu bychoosing Goto -> Variants -> Get -> >. Change the parameters as required based on the customers Customizingsettings. Start the report as a simulation by activating Simulation NoDatabase Changes.> Execute the update run by deactivating the simulation option. Transport the changed records.