Description This report is used to evaluate trip receipts in Travel Management.First the most important framework data and trip totals are listed pertrip. Then comes the list of receipts for the relevant trip. Trips with hard currencies represent a special case. For these trips itis possible that there are different payment amounts in differentcurrencies. If so, only a header line is displayed for this trip andall amounts are indicated with the value 0. If you want an overview ofthe reimbursement amounts for such a trip, branch to display of theReise erhalten, dann verzweigen Sie hierzu in die Anzeige der tripblock list (single click on the trip number). List display can be set by the user and saved as a display variant.This variant can then be entered the next time the report is called inthe display variant field of the selection screen, so that the reportlist appears in the user-specific format right away. Interactive functions in the list When you click the personnel number, the name of the relevant employeeis displayed in a dialog box. When you click the trip number, you can branch to the followingdisplays: a) Trip b) Trip receipts c) Trip block list Runtime The time it takes to perform the report depends to a great extent onthe selection conditions. The shortest runtime is attained by limitingthe selection of expense types to just a few via the trip expense typefield and/or the number of personnel numbers to be processed byentering organizational selection criteria (company code, cost center,etc.). Further information Notes on Runtime optimization> Notes on Authorization check> in tripreporting This report only supplies data if the updating of statistical data isswitched on in Trip Customizing>. |