Description This report is used to evaluate trips in Travel Management. The outputlist of the report consists of a maximum of 3 ouput blocks. Block 1 > contains general trip data, trip status information and trip totals(total amounts, reimbursement amounts, advances, etc.). Block 2 > contains trip receipt information plus additional receipt information. Block 3 > contains trip cost assignment information. Using the 'Overview of list sections' function, you can display theblocks that are available in the respective list. Navigation to therelative list section is also possible. Unlike the other RPR_TRIP_DATA reports, list display can be set for theuser individually; it is, however, not possible to save these displayvariants. This is currently (Release 4.5A) not supported by the BasisSystem.Interactive functions in the list When you click the personnel number, the name of the relevant user isdisplayed in a dialog box. If you click the trip number, you can branch to following displays(depending on list section): a) Trip b) Trip receipts c) Travel expense assignment Runtime The time it takes to perform the report depends to a great extent onthe selection conditions. The shortest runtime is attained when thenumber of trips and personnel numbers to be processed is limited bymeans of start date and/or trip status (request, accounting, FItransfer) and entries regarding personal data selection. IMPORTANT ! This report is not intended for processing of mass data, in otherwords, the processing of hundreds of personnel numbers or thousands oftrips is not recommended. The runtimes could last several hours. Further information Notes on Runtime optimization> Notes on Authorization check> in tripreporting This report only supplies data if the updating of statistical data isswitched on in Trip Customizing>. |