Purpose The integration of Travel Management and Funds Management is active, andin releases before SAP R/3 Enterprise Add-On 2.0 you have installed Note531185 (to include paid receipts in integration with Funds Management). In the described solution of Note 531185, it was necessary to havecreated the transparent customer tables ZTRV_COMM_ITEM andZTRV_COMM_AMOUNT, since it was no longer possible to create these tablesin an HR Support Package. In SAP R/3 Enterprise Add-On 2.0 the associated tables are shipped inthe standard system. This program inserts the data contained in yourcustomer tables into the standard tables PTRV_COMM_ITM andPTRV_COMM_AMT. When you execute the program for the customer table with header data,specify the table name ZTRV_COMM_ITEM, and for the customer table withdetail data specify the table name ZTRV_COMM_AMOUNT. If you haveselected other names for the customer tables, enter those names for thetables with header and detail data. Integration Prerequisites This program is only needed if you:
- Have activated the integration of Travel Management and Funds
Management, and
- Have installed Note 531185 in releases before SAP R/3 Enterprise Add-On
2.0 (to include paid receipts in integration with Funds Management).