Title Create Resource File (Language Resource Files) for Offline Applications Purpose This report creates the resource fules for offline applications such asthe Offline Travel Manager. Thse files contains the language-independent texts required by the ITSto execute a service in a particular language. The HTML templatescontain place holders instead on the programmed language-specifictexts, which are stored in the appropriate language resource files.When each template is used, the ITS recognises the place holders andreplaces these with the correct text, in the correct language, from theappropriate language resource file. The language resource file names have the following format: _ .htrc.Prerequisites To be able to use the texts, already available for the correspondingonline applications in R/3, in the offline application, the reportdetermines these texts from the ABAP dictionary. The exact dictionaryobjects used are defined using the function module interface parametersfor the application. These parameters are entered in the selectionscreen of the report. (The offline Travel Manager uses the individualvalues BAPI_TRIP* and MODIFY_RECEIPT; The resource files supplied withthe standard Offline Travel Manager application are created usingselection variant SAP&PR05). The report also interprets the text table PTRV_OFFLINE_TXT, whichstores the language-dependent texts for the fields/place holders that
- are not in the ABAP dictionary
- are in the ABAP dictionary, but are to be replaced by a different text
in the offline application. You can change customer specific texts in the offline application usingtable PTRV_OFFLINE_TXT; If you do this you must then recreate thelanguage resource files using this report. This also applies to textsfor customer-specific fields that are required offline.Features Selection The Application (for example PR05 for the Offline Travel Management)must be defined in table PTRV_APPL_KEY. This defines the access totable PTRV_OFFLINE_TXT. The language key defines for which languages the resource files shouldbe created. The function module and its interface define which texts should becreated from the ABAP dictionary; In addition to this you can alsoselect the text length. The file name determines the path and name of the language resourcefile, using the convention _xx.htrc; The report enters <(> inthe relevant language key name: <<)>service>_de.htrcm, _en.htrc ...Standard_variants The resource files, supplied with the Offline Travel Managerapplication , are created with variant SAP6PR05. Output Resource File Name(s) created by the report