Title ABAP Source Code Scanner,, Purpose To search ABAP program code/screen flow logic for specific texts(strings) Selection criteria of report: Search string Here several texts can be entered for which the system searches. Thesearch text should be entered without formatting characters (*,+).Only the texts are applied in the search, that is, selection optionconditions such as greater than, equal to, etc., are ignored. Found location +/- x lines: Here you can specify how many program lines before and after the foundlocation of the search string should be included in output. If 0 isentered, only the program lines in which the string is contained aredisplayed. Includes: Useful when searching ABAP module pools, such as SAPMP56T or ABAPfunction pools, such as SAPLPTRV_UTIL. The report then also searches inall includes used in the specified programs Modification assistent changes Effects search for all changes in program codes that were made using amodification assistent. Ignore comments lines All program lines with an '*' in the first line are ignored in thestring search and not displayed in output. Search area: This specifies where to search In program coding of the selected ABAP programs In flow logic of the selected screens Both in program coding and in flow logic |