Description Report RPRTRV_TRVCT converts feature TRVCT by clients to Release 4.5A.The conversion can take place from Release 2.2 on. The accounting control set in feature TRVCT is stored as of Release4.5A in table T702N. In addition, the contents of the following table fields are copied orinitialized: The Dxxxx fields of table T706S (where xxxx stands for the screennumber) are initialized with 'X'. D1300 D1310 D1400 D1500 D1600 D1700 D1701 D1702 D1703 D1709 D1950 D1960D9999 Fields KZREA and KZTXT of table T706D are copied to fields KZREA andKZTXT of table T706S. Fields KZREA and KZTXT of table T706D are thendeleted. The REI* constants from table T511K are copied to table T706_CONST(changing the country dependency into a trip provision variantdependency). The constant texts from table T512L are copied to table T706_CONSTTEXT(changing the country dependency into a trip provision variantdependency). The SCEDT field in table T706B1 is initialized with '-'. These table fields are also processed by clients. If feature TRVCT cannot be converted in a client, the table fields are also neither copiednor initialized. Problems can arise during conversion if:
- In your old release, you defined double trip provision variants >
with different accounting controls (that is, you assigned the same tripprovision variant to more than one organizational area). Feature TRVCTis not> converted. In this case, proceed as follows: Rename the double trip provision variant in the feature editor. Then use program RPRMORDE > to copy the doubletrip provision variant in all trip costs views to this new value. Restart the conversion program RPRTRV_TRVCT>. After conversion, feature TRVCT must be regenerated in eachclient.>
- Database tables can not be modified.
If feature TRVCT was converted and problems resulted with tablesT706_CONST, T706_CONSTTEXT, T706S or T706B1, report RPRTRV_KONST mustbe started. This report copies and initializes the tables mentionedunder points one to four. Please also see the report documentation forreport RPRTRV_KONST. If the conversion report RPRTRV_TRVCT is restarted, only the clientsthat contain an unconverted feature TRVCT are processed.Precondition A prerequisite is that the data structures of Release 4.5A exist. Output Example 1 Feature TRVCT with double trip provision variant>. This feature is not> converted. ,, ,, ,,D,,MOLGA 01,, ,, ,, ,,&TRVCT=M01> , ,,NEXTR "GERMANY 01,, ,,1,, ,,&TRVCT=B00100001000000000000, ,,NEXTR 01,, ,,2,, ,,&TRVCT=V02000001011000001212, ,,NEXTR 01,, ,,3,, ,,&TRVCT=U02000001011000100000, ,,NEXTR 01,, ,,4,, ,,&TRVCT=F00000000000000000000, ,,NEXTR 01,, ,,5,, ,,&TRVCT=R31001030001000000000, ,, ... ... **,, ,, ,, ,,&TRVCT=M01> , ,,NEXTR "OTHER **,, ,,1,, ,,&TRVCT=B00100001000000000000, ,,NEXTR **,, ,,2,, ,,&TRVCT=V02000001011000001414, ,,NEXTR **,, ,,3,, ,,&TRVCT=U02000001011000000000, ,,NEXTR **,, ,,4,, ,,&TRVCT=F00000000000000000000, ,,NEXTR **,, ,,5,, ,,&TRVCT=R31001030000000000000, ,, ...Example 2 Feature TRVCT before> conversion. This feature would be correctly converted. ,, ,, ,,D,,MOLGA 01,, ,, ,,D,,WERKS 01,, ****,, ,, ,,&TRVCT=M01 , ,,NEXTR "GERMANY 01,, ****,,1,, ,,&TRVCT=B00100001000000000000, ,,NEXTR 01,, ****,,2,, ,,&TRVCT=V02000001011000001212, ,,NEXTR 01,, ****,,3,, ,,&TRVCT=U02000001011000100000, ,,NEXTR 01,, ****,,4,, ,,&TRVCT=F00000000000000000000, ,,NEXTR 01,, ****,,5,, ,,&TRVCT=R31001030001000000000, ,, 02,, ,, ,, ,,&TRVCT=M02 , ,,NEXTR "SWITZERLAND 02,, ,,1,, ,,&TRVCT=B00100001000000000000, ,,NEXTR 02,, ,,2,, ,,&TRVCT=V02000001011000001414, ,,NEXTR 02,, ,,3,, ,,&TRVCT=U02000001011000000000, ,,NEXTR 02,, ,,4,, ,,&TRVCT=F00000000000000000000, ,,NEXTR 02,, ,,5,, ,,&TRVCT=R31001030000000000000, ,, ... Feature TRVCT after> conversion. ,, ,, ,,D,,MOLGA 01,, ,, ,,D,,WERKS 01,, ****,, ,, ,,&TRVCT=01, ,, ,, ,,"GERMANY 02,, ,, ,, ,,&TRVCT=02, ,, ,, ,,"SWITZERLAND ...