Description The report RPRPOSTD checks the trip intermediate documents as to theirpostability in accounting or performs posting. This report should bestarted separately especially if a posting job is planned (see below).
- Check:> You can choose between three different settings. Choose
'All possible posting runs' to check all posting runs in statuses'Documents created', 'Partially booked', 'All documents checked','Documents posted', 'Documents with errors'. Choose 'Only posting runwith number' and enter the number of the posting run to be checked inthe relevant field. If you start the program with the setting 'Lastposting run created', the posting run number from posting run programRPRFIN00_40 is read from SAP memory. Set the 'Check intermediatedocuments only' indicator.
- Post:> You can choose between three different settings. Choose
'All possible posting runs' to post all runs in statuses 'Documentscreated', 'Partially posted' and 'All documents checked'. Choose 'Onlyposting run with number' and enter the relevant posting run number tobe posted in the appropriate field. If you start the program with thesetting 'Last posting run created', the posting run number from postingrun program RPRFIN00_40 is read from SAP memory.Precondition A posting run must have been created beforehand with the reportRPRFIN00_40 (Travel Accounting / Edit / Posting run / Create) or withtransaction PRRW (Travel Accounting / Edit / Posting run /Administration). Example You want to define a job that creates a posting run and posts itdirectly: Save a selection screen variant of report RPRFIN00_40 (for example, as'run'). Save a selection screen variant of report RPRPOSTD (for example, as'post'). Set the radio button 'Last posting run created'. In the job definition (transaction sm36), enter as step 1 the ABAPprogram RPRFIN00_40 with the variant 'run'. In step 2, use RPRPOSTDwith the variant 'post'. On the start date that you specified, a posting run is created and,directly afterward, the system tries to post it. Logs of the reportsare stored as spool lists.