- 2) If the program already exists for the employee being considered, the
data has been previously saved in "printed" format specified by ADP-GSI.The detail of these formats can be obtained from ADP-GSI. The differentprogram variables are completed using these files. (T5F6R)
A link is created between the displayed text, the source of the variablein SAP (infotype/TEDC/results cluster) and the position in the ADP-GSI"printed" format to document the program variables.Screen 1: Employer/Victim's permanent workplace
,,Source,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Company,,Access to SAP40
Corporate name,,V :01,,01,,02,,01
Corporate name Next,,V :02,,01,,34,,01
Path N°,,V :04,,02,,02,,02
Link,,V :05,,02,,06,,02
Path,,V :06,,02,,08,,02
Postcode,,V :08,,03,,02,,03
Location,,V :09,,03,,08,,03
Telephone,,V :10,,03,,35,,03
Workplace,,Domain + subdomain
Path N°,,V:06,,04,,02,,04
Risk N°,,to be entered,,07,,02,,07
Telephone,,to be entered,,05,,35,,05
Screen 2: Victim
,,Source,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Social security N°,,P0064 NUMSS,,08,,02,,08
SS key,,P0064 CLESS,,08,,15,,08
Gender,,P0002 GESCH,,09,,02,,09
Date of birth,,P0002 GBDAT,,09,,04,,09
French nationality,,P0002 NATIO,,13,,02,,13
EC nationality,,P0002 NATIO,,13,,04,,13
Other nationality,,P0002 NATIO,,13,,06,,13
Surname,,P0002 NAME2 + P0002 VORNA,,10,,02,,10
Path number,,P0006 HSNMR,,11,,02,,11
Link,,P0006 STRAS,,11,,06,,11
Path,,P0006 STRAS,,11,,08,,11
Postcode,,P0006 PSTLZ,,12,,02,,12
Location,,P0006 ORTO2,,12,,08,,12
Start date,,P0 BEGDA,,14,,02,,14
Profession,,P0217 QUALIF,,14,,13,,14
Professional qualifications,,15,,02,,15
Seniority in position,,rt &X2D,,15,,23,,15
Other victims yes,, ,,16,,02,,16
Other victims no,, ,,16,,04,,16
Screen 3: Details of when stopped / restarted work /Information on theoccupational physician
,,Source,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Date of accident,,to be entered,,18,,02,,18
Accident at work,,to be entered,,18,,13,,18
Last day of work,,to be entered,,19,,02 ,,18
Occupational illness,,to be entered,,19,,13,,18
Work not restarted to date,,to be entered,,20,,13,,18
Occupational physician,,Domain+subdomain
Name and address,, SAP02 V:01+V:08+V:09,,17,,02,,17
Screen 4: Basic salary/Compensation packages
,, ,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Expiry start date,, ,,21,,02,,19
Period start date,, ,,21,,13,,19
Period end date,, ,,21,,24,,19
RUB Y026 corresp. to exp. start date,, ,,21,,35,,19
Advantages,,SAP01 line 05,,21,,46,,19
Allowance,,SAP01 line 06,,21,,57,,19
Empl. contrib. to be deducted,,SAP01 line 07,,21,,68,,19
Professional expenses,,SAP01 line 08,,21,,79,,19
% exemption for prof exp.,,IT free format B520,,21,,90,,19
Screen 5: Recalling salary and compensation packages paid with differentperiodicity to that of basic salary.
,,Source,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Payment date,,SAP01 line 12,,22/23/24,,02,,19
Start of Period for,,
which payment is made,,to be entered,,22/23/24,,13,,19
End of period for,,
which payment is made,,to be entered,,22/23/24,,24,,19
Gross amount,,SAP01 line 12,,22/23/24,,35,,19
Employee's contribution,, ,,22/23/24,,46,,19
Screen 6: Cases where reference period has not been completely fulfulled/Special cases
,, ,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Reason,,Search in table SAP01,,22/23/24,,57,,20
,,the lines set up in col 14.
,,Repeat for each line
,,set up in COL 14 the total of
,, - and + of each line. If the total
,,of - of the current line is
,,different to zero take the text
,,in V:21 to the line. This process
,,must be carried out for the twelve
,,latest months and for each
,,line in col. 14
Start period,,The 1st payroll month
,,corresponding to the date found,,22/23/24,,68,,20
Start period,,Last payroll day
,,corresponding to the date found,,22/23/24,,79,,20
Continued,,If total wage types + than the,,25,,02,,21
pay Yes,,current line is different to
,,zero enter O otherwise enter X
Continued,,If total wage types + than the,,25,,04,,21
pay No,,current line = zero enter
Continued,,If total wage types + than the
full pay,,group is < total of -
Yes,,select partially compensated,
,,otherwise selected fully compensated
,,for the current line.
full pay,,
Lost pay,,Total - of group from which,,22/23/24,,90,,20
,,the total + is deducted in
,,the current line
Employee's ,,(Col 18 * Col 17) / (Col 04 +,,22/23/24,,101,,20
contributions,,Col 06)
to be deducted,,
Minimum salary,,to be entered,,26,,02,,22
for trainees,,
Contract N°,,to be entered,,27,,02,,23
Contract date,,to be entered,,27,,18,,23
Screen 7: Period for which the employee is requesting subrogation
,, ,,File line,,Column,,Status line
Subrogation start date,,to be entered,,28,,02,,24
Subrogation end date,,to be entered,,28,,13,,24
Continued pay,,
fully,,to be entered,,29,,02,,25
Continued pay,,
partially,,to be entered,,29,,04,,25
Workplace code,,SAP31
,,Dom+SD converted by CEM:4X item. A521
Bank code,,TEDC SAP31 V:08,,30,,02,,26
Office Code,,TEDC SAP31 V:09,,30,,08,,26
Account Code,,TEDC SAP31 V:10,,30,,14,,26
RIB Code,,TEDC SAP31 V:11,,30,,26,,26
Name Code,,TEDC SAP31 V:07,,31,,02,,27
Location,,TEDC SAP31 V:06,,32,,02,,28
Date,,to be entered,,32,,35,,28
Signatory,,TEDC SAP31 V:01+V:02,,33,,02,,29
Form of address,,TEDC SAP31 V:03,,34,,02,,30