Description Delete trip provision variant With this function, you can delete a trip provision variant in thecurrent client. Copy trip provision variant in current client With this function, you can copy a trip provision variant within thecurrent client. If the target trip provision variant does not yet exist, you need toenter a description in the logon language. If the trip provision variant already exists, the system deletes theold entries before copying. Restore/Copy trip provision variant from delivery client With this function, you can copy a trip provision variant from thestandard release client to the current client. This makes it possibleto restore the original state of a deleted or changed trip provisionvariant. Before copying, the system deletes the old entries of the tripprovision variant in the current client. Display trip provision variant You can use this function to display the entries in a trip provisionvariant. This is possible for trip provision variants in both thecurrent client and the delivery client. You can use the 'Tables' tab page to select the Travel ManagementCustomizing tables with which the respective function is to beperformed. In the standard version, the function is performed for all tables inTravel Management. On the 'Languages' tab page you can choose one or more language keys.The function chosen is then executed in all selected text tables withentries for these language keys only. If, for example, you choose EN(English), only english entries are displayed, deleted or copied. In the standard version, the selection field is empty, so that thefunction is executed in all languages. Please note, when copying or deleting: This program does not copy features or adapt them to new trip provisionvariants. Please adapt features TRV* if necessary to the new tripprovision variants and generate them again. |