SAP Program RPR706UP - Copy Per Diems for Accommodations

The report RPR706UP copies entries in the views 'Per diems for meals'(V_T706V) and 'Per diems for accommodations' (V_T706U) for the yearspecified in the 'Generation of per diems/flat rates' field. Therespective entries from the previous year serve as reference.
If entries already exist for the year specified, they are notoverwritten, but reported in an error log. They then can be delimitedusing reports RPR706VD and RPR706UD accordingly.
EXCEPTION: Entries which begin in the previous year and are valid until12/31/9999 are automatically delimited by RPR706VP to 12/31 of theprevious year before copying.

According to accounting methods valid in the U.S.A. higher per diems/flat rates are paid during certain seasons, e.g. in the summer, thanduring the rest of the year. In the subsequent year the same per diems/
flat rates are paid.
In view V_T706U there are consequently entries such as for AtlanticCity, New Jersey:
US NJ/AC 01/01/96-03/31/96 67 USD
US NJ/AC 04/01/96-11/30/96 116 USD
US NJ/AC 12/01/96-12/31/96 67 USD
These entries are thus copied to:
US NJ/AC 01/01/97-03/31/97 67 USD
US NJ/AC 04/01/97-11/30/97 116 USD
US NJ/AC 02/01/97-12/31/97 67 USD
The report RPR706VP can also be used for per diem/flat rate changes atthe fiscal year change: first the new entries are created and thenupdated with the new per diem/flat rate amounts.